After Week of Almost No Contact, Got This Gut Wrenching Text From My Son

<p>… I’m really homesick and don’t think I can make it through school.</p>

<p>Followed by: </p>

<p>If you buy me the Invisible Shield Crystal for my i-pad I think I will be okay.</p>

<p>When I’m finished laughing, I’m gonna drive over there and murderlize him!</p>

<p>ROTFL - Thanks for the Laugh!!!</p>

<p>Now that is funny!</p>

<p>Oh, these kids don’t realize how much we worry!! Glad you could laugh about it, once your heart restarted!!!</p>

<p>LOL, that sounds like something my son would do!!! How funny!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>And here I was primed to chime in with some encouragement and I was pleasantly surprised to laugh myself! I am not sure who is having more fun with this experience at the moment!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>From what I’ve seen on these boards, I’d say he shares your sense of humor. Is he getting the Invisible Shield Crystal for his ipad? It’d be a shame if he had to drop out due to homesickness.</p>

<p>Oh how they toy with us!! Thanks for sharing!</p>

<p>beth’s mom, I believe my reply was as follows: I miss you too! To heck with UA, come home and enroll in community college!</p>

<p>He has been tellingly unresponsive.</p>

<p>@vlines I agree! And not just because we have the same phone…
Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Thanks, NRDMOM! I really needed a good laugh.</p>

<p>Love both his message and your response!</p>

<p>That was great!!! So, is he getting the invisible shield crystal??</p>

<p>ROTFL! Love it!</p>

<p>lol…and to think kids really could use that power to get stuff.</p>

<p>When my older brother started at USC (Calif), he first claimed that he hated it. My (VERY CHEAP ITALIAN) dad actually offered to buy him a new CAR if he stayed.</p>

<p>Funny. My son’s first text was “In the care package you are about to send me, please make sure to include a lot of beef jerky.”</p>

<p>^^ How proactive your son in! Sounds like my youngest. </p>

<p>Next question: How much beef jerky is A LOT?</p>

<p>juliemalm: Let’s just say it sounds like me and sally305 have some shopping to do.</p>

<p>^^Indeed! :)</p>