
<p>i came here when i was 9th grade(2nd semester),so i could not put down my courses because it was not a year long courses…</p>

<p>so the my app(verified info section) says,Missing Subject Area Minimums(english one year) and Missing Coursework in Grade Level(9th grade)</p>

<p>how bad is it??</p>


<p>I would call them to make sure. You don't have any grades for freshman year or something?</p>

<p>i have only second semester grade...</p>

<p>Where did you attend school before? You can put those instead. Make sure you put something in the Additional Information to explain this.</p>

<p>i lived in korea...which had completely different courses..</p>

<p>Does not matter. List them and explain where you go to school in Additional Information. Last year, a friend of mine whose daughter went to school in Korea and she did not join D's high school until 10th grade. The key thing is not to obmit things that might be construed as lying.</p>

<p>Yes, be sure to list your international coursework on the application as well. If you have further questions please contact an international admissions adviser at the campus you are applying to since the coursework is international.</p>