<p>whose excited</p>
<p>any predictions?! which tests did you take?</p>
<p>whose excited</p>
<p>any predictions?! which tests did you take?</p>
<p>I’m scared as hell. This was my first time taking the real SAT I.</p>
<p>us history, hoping for a 740+ =/</p>
<p>I don’t know which CollegeBoard site you guys are using, but mine says I get my scores on the 25th. </p>
<p>Where does it say that the date has been officially changed to the 23rd?</p>
<p>It’s the 23rd for sure - look at the collegeboard site: [SAT</a> Scores - View SAT Scores - Send Score Reports](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>SAT Scores – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>
<p>wait nevermind its the 25th oh noooooooooooooooo</p>
<p>its always 19 days after the test date… it must have been a typo on that sheet… on my organizer it says 25</p>
<p>Dude, they changed it. WHICH C-B EMPLOYEE WANTS TO UPLOAD SCORES ON CHRISTMAS MORNING!!! None of them do. Whether or not they care about your Christmas, they sure as hell care about their Christmas.</p>
<p>The Organizer is never wrong. Its the 25th, go to sleep.</p>
<p>You’re a fool… They’ve officially changed it everywhere on the site to the 23rd</p>
<p>on the left hand side: [Official</a> College Planning Tools | Research Colleges and Universities Online](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools)
your precious organizer, under TESTS: <a href=“https://myorganizer.collegeboard.com/my_organizer/MyOrganizer.jsp[/url]”>https://myorganizer.collegeboard.com/my_organizer/MyOrganizer.jsp</a></p>
<p>and under your registrations and scores…</p>
<p>I’m more anxious than excited. I don’t think I did too well. I hate the SAT’s, both SAT I and SAT II.</p>
<p>I’ve always thought the score uploading was server automated anyways.</p>
<p>Hookem, fyi the date on my organizer did not change until this morning. And who are you to tell me what I see on my organizer?! You claim that they changed it “everywhere”, but apparently not my organizer- or any of my friends organizers for that matter. Until this morning, of course. It’s quite sad that you’ve gone so low as to call me a fool simply because I didn’t see what you saw on your own organizer- I think you need to relax, and stop using bolded words because they don’t make you sound any smarter.</p>
<p>tomorrow is the day</p>
<p>haha feel the love between hookem and zendabading;)</p>