Ahpimommy update

<p>Prayers and hugs to you! Take advantage of your down time and enjoy it. :)</p>

<p>Thinking of you and hoping that it’s a quick and easy recovery!</p>

<p>Hoping for a quick recovery! Hope all went well today!</p>

<p>Sending lots of positive thoughts your way . . .</p>

<p>5:30p update:
sent to me via a—mommy’s husband- </p>

<p>“She is back from doctor and resting. Lots of pain at the moment. Prescription for Vicodin. Doctor said it went great! Soft foods and liquids for a week back to the doctor next Wednesday for suture removal.”</p>

<p>Keep that positive energy flowing her way. She appreciates it!</p>

<p>So happy to hear surgery went well, not so happy to hear about the discomfort. Rest well tonight, Ahpimoomy!</p>

<p>Praying for your pain to be relieved and a quick recovery!</p>

<p>Tammy, I hope all went well for you today and that soon you will be on the road to recovery (or on the road to a football game!). god Bless, mrshert</p>

<p>Sending you lots of prayers for a speed recovery!!</p>

I hope your first day of recovery went well! Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!!</p>

<p>Thanks to all for the well wishes…will be spending the next few days in bed…lovely pain meds :)…yet another black eye :(…Pain level is manageable but WOW!!! We almost returned to the hospital late last night…I had a headache reaction to the anesthesia…think migraine times 10…not fun but a tweaking of pain meds has helped. thanks again for all your well wishes. surgery went great…no more hole on the side of my face…YAY!!! did I say again…THANK YOU so very much for all the thoughts and prayers…they REALLY did help.</p>

<p>Roll Tide that you feel better soon! At least you have CC, lol.</p>

<p>Hang in there! Nickademus IV??? LOL Sounds like you are on the right track though. Hope your recovery is a full and speedy one!</p>

<p>You are one tough cookie, Aphimommy! Thank you for the update. Best wishes for a speedy and pain-free recovery.</p>

<p>Get well soon…! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Hope you’re feeling better today. Glad to hear that everything went well & the doctors were pleased!</p>

<p>So glad to hear that you are home and resting “comfortably”, well… as comfortably as possible. Take care and get better soon :)</p>

<p>I hope your recovery is continuing to go well and you are resting comfortably, ahpimommy. Just checking in to say hello and send well wishes your way today!</p>

<p>Today is a much better day!!! Have ditched the pain meds…my babysitter has gone back to work and the Royals sent over 16 tixs to a luxury box full of food and drink for Sunday’s game. I am not able to go but DH and DS plus friends will enjoy a nice day. Rumor has it they are also delivering signed memorabilia to the box…stay tuned :).</p>

<p>I learned today that everyone has a price and if you call Starbucks and offer poor college student baristas $$$$$ they will deliver a Pumpkin Spice latte to your house!!! </p>

<p>I have also learned that I NEVER EVER want to see another can of Ensure as long as I live! Also that when you can’t have real food you crave the strangest things (currently Kentucky Fried Chicken???)…thanks for the well wishes! I am anxiously awaiting my Dr’s appt on Wednesday when I hopefully will learn that drooling is not permanent and they will return my car keys!!!</p>

<p>Glad you are feeling better. The pumpkin latte sounds like a great idea. Take care.</p>