Airline policies on seating for plus sized customers- your thoughts?

The middle seat was already assigned. We didn’t have a choice to purchase another seat. This was during ski season and there is, for this airline, one flight in and one flight out per day. It was pretty packed.

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Well talk amongst yourselves. Off to my wine tasting. Bordeaux. It will be particularly appreciated now!!


LOL. This is why I raise the seat rests. Both of them.


I think it was Air France.

Good lord, can’t we all be a little nicer??!!


Came back from an early dinner to 7 flags on this thread. Stop the bickering and move back to the OP. A number of posts hidden and any further inappropriate comments will be deleted without notice.


Maybe a light “my arms need to rest” or “need a place for my elbows why I read” type of response?


No. Thank you for asking.
No is a complete sentence. Thank you makes it polite .
Or Yes, please do not raise it… if they have asked if you mind them raising it.

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My husband is on the larger size. Happily we don’t travel by air frequently and a portion of our vacation spending goes toward business class. I’m not happy about it, but after reading some comments here I’m glad we do.

I was at a concert at a stadium recently next to a woman who kept extending her arms while dancing. She continued to infringe further and further into my space, practically pushing me into my daughter, taking the equivalent of 1.5 seats. I finally told her “this is my seat”. Happily they left early. She was large but I’m pretty sure I could have taken her. :grinning:

I think shrinking seats are here to stay. Not everyone can afford two seats or business. If you can and want to be assured of absolute comfort on a flight, maybe you should buy two seats!


Yeah, even with it up, they can “spill over”. How could they not?::::::sigh:::::::


Can you simply buy a middle seat to keep it empty? How? :::::thinking:::::::cheaper than business class.

Even if it was cheaper than business class (which would be surprising, depending on the length of the flight, though), the early boarding, guaranteed overhead space for stuff, and food/drink make business class (for whatever airlines still offer “business class”) make that, IMO, a better option.

You could but through a lack of process and human error the seat will be given away to a standby if the flight is oversold. Then you’d have the hassle of arguing with corporate for a refund, and corporate asking you to prove they gave your seat away.


This is my story of trip from hell, and it didn’t involve an over weight person. I was younger back then…I was flying to Paris in economy by myself. I booked a window seat thinking I could lean over and catch some sleep. A couple sat next to me. As soon as they sat down, the woman started with, “why are are sitting back here. You know you haven’t given me my allowance in few months. I didn’t sign up for this.” I quickly figured out it was an ex-marital relationship. The guy was taking his mistress on a trip.
A few times that I had to go to the bathroom, the woman wouldn’t move and the guy would yell at her to let me get by. They bickered all the way to Paris. I didn’t get any sleep at all.

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The airline’s customer of size policy should have instructions on how to book the extra adjacent seat.

(If you are not a customer of size, what will airlines do if you use the customer of size policy to book the extra adjacent seat?)

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The airlines mostly insist I sit at a window seat due to my medical equipment being a trip hazard and most of the time my travel companion will sit beside me. People have always been very polite about allowing me to get up and go to the bathroom (often about every 2 hours or so for most flights).

Very rarely is there enough space for me to get past the others in the row without them getting up — must be more crowded on my planes and flights. Off hand as far as I can remember, only business or 1st class flights have allowed me to get past people without anyone getting up from their seats.