Alabama Action mailing

<p>S got a letter from the Honors college yesterday about AA and it referenced several enclosures, but the envelope was empty. Did anyone receive the mailing.</p>

<p>Also, what does one need to do to get an A or is it p/f, I forget.</p>

<p>My D received 6 pieces of paper in her mailing.

  1. letter of greetings
  2. syllabus UH103-001
  3. tenative agenda
  4. what to bring
  5. liability waiver
  6. emergency medical info
    Remember to read “The Cathedral Within”.
    Says you will be graded but doesn’t say if it’s P/F or letter grade so I don’t know.</p>

<p>D’s letter was also missing the enclosures. A call to the Honors Department solved the problem and the enclosures arrived today with all of the items Cuttlefish listed.</p>

<p>D’s letter was missing all the enclosures also. Guess I’ll give them a call on Monday.</p>

<p>I think in mybama after registering it said “standard letter grade.” Your daughter can double-check that though (I dropped the class because of a conflict).</p>

<p>Alabama Action is graded normally (A, B, C, etc.) and I’d assume that Outdoor Action is graded the same way. FWIW, the two are not going to be graded harshly at all; do all the work and you’ll do great.</p>

<p>Do most people usually get an A or a B if they show up and participate? I was under the impression that you would just get the credit pass or fail, but the letter made it sound like it might have something to do with discussing the book.</p>

<p>I can’t imagine why the Honors College would want to give students anything other than an A or B unless the student wasn’t doing the volunteer work and/or submitting the assignment(s).</p>