Alabama Action

<p>Is this class graded or Pass/Fail?</p>

<p>Is it considered part of the fall semester? My son will be on an 8 semester scholarship, so if it is considered summer we don’t want to waste a semester on 1 credit.</p>

<p>The class is graded, and the one credit gets applied to your fall semester credit count.</p>

<p>So, good way to boost your gpa, or not? Is it considered 1 credit as part of the #of honors credits required? Is it 18? Was thinking it would be a way to maybe not take too many classes first semester while you settle into college, say 2- 4 credit classes & 2 -3 credit classes for 15 total for the semester.</p>

<p>Alabama/Outdoor Action would count as part of one’s honors credit requirement. It’s a good class, particularly if you are OOS and you know only a few people at UA. My son also did the program. It gave him an immediate circle of friends and made the transition to college life much easier. The idea of moving in early, too, is wonderful.</p>

<p>My daughter also participated in Alabama Action and loved it!</p>



<p>Yes, my son did OA and the last BB. We coordinated this with Dr. Fran Oneal, the director of OA, who allowed my son to miss some of the final day of OA (without penalty) to attend BB. This was done with the understanding that students who reside in Hawaii (farther from Tuscaloosa than London, England) would have to incur extraordinary expense if they wanted to attend OA but were also required to attend an earlier BB (summer RT airfare from Honolulu-Birmingham is about $1,000). </p>

<p>I don’t know if this informal “exemption” would apply to students who reside on the Mainland, but it never hurts inquire with Dr. Oneal, who is a terrific person.</p>

<p>With respect to OA, my son loved it and met so many people there, including some of the guys who will be his roommates next year. It’s a superb way to enter college, get instantly integrated into the fabric of campus, make friends, and get an early jump on move-in. I highly recommend OA/AA.</p>

<p>Sending in S’s AA app today. Was thinking of driving his stuff down later that week, but you know parents weekend is only a month later. How terrible would it be if we waited? I am thinking, send him down via SWest with 2 rolling duffles, ship in a few things- printer, mattress topper, etc and bring down anything else he might need like warm clothes, etc on parents weekend. We could fly SWest and bring an extra bag or two.
Hmmm, not that we don’t want the right of passage to take S to college, but we are going to be there in September. Plus I am thinking he won’t have anytime to do much visiting and we will just unload and get back in the car and start driving back home. He has done 2 long distance college summer programs, so I’m sure it won’t be a big deal. The only thing that wasn’t packable was the fan and the laundry basket & deterg which we picked up when we got there.</p>

<p>Idinct: I think that would be very doable. You are right, they will be very busy.</p>

<p>ldinct: Although I’ve driven my son to UA the past two years, I still sent things – just to free up some space in our car.</p>

<p>Am I crazy or do I remember a post somewhere on here about using NMF credit to pay for AA.</p>

<p>You will use the NMF scholarship to pay for the 1 credit class that is AA or OA. The class is considered part of the fall semester so it just rolls up into that. The fee of $195 is paid now.</p>