Alabama Action

<p>Application is up at: <a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>D did this last year and I thought it was a wonderful way for OOS kids to get their feet wet & meet a few fellow honors people before the rest of the freshman moved in.</p>

<p>I had thought D might want to do AA then BB (OK this is getting ridiculous, but you know what I mean;) Action says it ends on the 19th and the last Bama bound is on the 19th. Is it possible for OOS that are trying to reduce travel costs do both?</p>

<p>So I would fill out the form and mail it in with a check? Because it’s on a first come first serve basis, what happens if it gets to the school too late? And will I receive notification once it is receieved?</p>

<p>@nicollec: I’m not sure how that would work. Hopefully an experienced OOS parent can suggest something, or an email to Jami Gates might be helpful.</p>

<p>@LonDubh: At this point you won’t have to worry about getting shut out. If I recall correctly, D went to the 1st honors Bama Bound last May and some kids were still able to sign up then (but then it closed.) I don’t think she received any type of notification (except for me seeing that the check had cleared) until July.</p>

<p>RobD, thanks for letting us know!!</p>

<p>@nicollec - I believe malanai’s son did OA and the last BB, so hopefully he’ll chime in with more info for you. We plan on doing the same thing.</p>

<p>Go ahead and sign up now for Alabama Action if you want to do it. Even if you attend a later Bama Bound, you should be able to register with an override code by Jami Gates. My son registered well before April, but when he attended Bama Bound, Alabama Action was closed. However, Jami assured us he was in, as we had applied early, and she gave him the class code to use at registration. There were a few of us in this situation, and we were assured that we were in because we had registered before Bama Bound. I wouldn’t wait until Bama Bound to register for it, on the off chance all spaces would be filled by the time you attend. Son’s best friend registered at the early one day Bama Bound,and another friend was able to get in at another early Bama Bound, the second one, I believe. Son attended the third Bama Bound, and it was full by then. Luckily, he had already reserved his spot as soon as the app went out.</p>

<p>Highly recommend it. Son made many good friends, and although he hasn’t had too much contact with those not in his major/department throughout the year, he is actually rooming with three other AA participants next year who have the same major as him.</p>

<p>As a parent, I really enjoyed meeting other parents when the kids came down early for registration. We met three families from California, of all places, and have become good friends. Had it not been for AA, we never would have met them, and the kids likely would never have met, either, as AA has kids from all majors.</p>

<p>Good luck and enjoy!</p>

<p>Sounds like a great program. S is a bit reluctant to be the first of the Sr’s to head out though. How does it work with move-in? You don’t get your actual dorm, right? Just wondering about schleping around with a loaded car for days waiting for dorm to open.</p>

<p>Glad you brought that up, ld. You do move in to your own room. Really rough for son, though, on first night, as he was not only away from home for the first time, but no roommates to bond with. Next day, though, they started work, went to class, went to dinner, so he was too beat by the end of the day to be lonely. There will be other kids in his dorm, but not necessarily in his suite, unless his suitemates are also doing AA.</p>

<p>Being first does make you want to bring more stuff, though, that you might have normally coordinated with suitemates to bring. Things like cleaning supplies, toilet paper, kitchen ware. I don’t know that son actually used these things that first week, but I didn’t want to leave him without dish soap, sponges, toilet plunger, other household “necessities” that I didn’t feel comfortable waiting a week for the suitemates to show up and bring. It was nice, though, having the place to ourself to move his stuff in, especially since when the suitemates arrived, they basically just dumped their stuff in the living room, where lots of it is still sitting. Argh!</p>


<p>my d, Kari, is an OOS freshman (Calif) and she did Alabama Action and the last Bama Bound orientation last August. We decided not to go out to Bama during the summer to save on costs, esp since we already went there during our spring break in April for the first time to see the campus.</p>

<p>Shouldn’t be any problem to do both. . . but note, your child may not get every class/class time or discussion lab they want for that first semester (taking the last registration, didn’t affect Kari too badly . .she did end up having to take a class at 8 am though). </p>

<p>One benefit, moving in one week early with just the AA and OA kids seemed to be smoother than moving in a week later with everyone else.</p>

<p>PS. If your child does AA, they will meet Kari – as Kari is now on AA leadership and will need to be there a week before AA starts.</p>

<p>mom of four
do you happen to remember if the days actually overlapped like they do this year? I looked at last years schedule and they had them doing lectures until 8:30 the last night, that would be the same day as Bama Bound. I would think it would be fairly common for OOS to come to the last session, and do AA, but the only other sessions of BB are the 17th (middle of AA) or July 22nd which is WAAAAAY too early. I sent an email to BB people but of course it is the weekend, and who knows if I even sent it to the right folks:)</p>

<p>If Kari is going back this summer she must have really enjoyed it!</p>

<p>I believe Kari missed a few hours Friday morning of that Alabama Action week</p>

<p>Congrats to Kari! I know she’ll do a great job!</p>

<p>Another note about AA, your kids will be put in groups to do different projects around the school, but there are three bigger groups that you eat with at night. So, while your kid may meet a few people on their projects, they will meet more people at dinner. Transportation and cost is covered for their evening meals, so you don’t have to worry about the cafeteria not being open yet! </p>

<p>Believe me, I stressed out about things like that, where they would eat, how would they get there, and Jami and the group had it all covered.</p>

<p>Sent my D’s form in today. She had a chance to chat with some current students during CBHP interview weekend that attended AA previously … She was sold!</p>

<p>Same as Dad! Mailed D’s form in today!!</p>

<p>Yea! Have fun! Y’all should meet up when you drop the kids off. We did, and we had such a good time meeting parents from all over.</p>

<p>My DS participated in AA in 2008. He did move into his own dorm room before any other students arrived. </p>

<p>If you are from OOS and have considered sending your student by plane alone, IT IS DOABLE!! DS attended BB in mid to late July. He flew alone for BB and AA and took a shuttle from airport. “Birmingham Door to Door” is the shuttle service he used. He was not the only student traveling to campus for move-in. He flew in on a Sunday arriving to campus before 2:00 PM. He flew Southwest, avoiding any additional luggage fees. He checked two large roller duffle bags with clothes, and had a large back pack. </p>

<p>The Housing Department confirmed that the Package Delivery Center in Paty Hall would be open from noon to 3:00 PM (maybe 4:00 PM). The shuttle dropped him off at his dorm. He checked in, got his keys and dropped his luggage off in his room. He then rushed over to Paty Hall to pick up the items we shipped from home. He also purchased his printer (Office Max), TV/monitor screen (Best Buy), desk top fan and waste paper basket (BB&B) and folding book shelf ( on line and had items shipped to Paty Hall a week or two before his arrival. I purchased a large “Rubbermade Tuff Neck” rolling tote at Lowes. I packed it full of supplies (school/cleaning/first aid/iron/paper towels/TP/trash bags/over the door hooks/tool kit/etc…). I also included a folding cart and bungee cords to transport sipping boxes. I taped it shut with duct tape. Our local shipping/mail center secured the top with extra strappings before sending it to Tuscaloosa. I packed all his bedding, pillows and towels in a soft side rolling duffle using space bags. I shipped the duffle as well. My son had to make a few trips back and forth to Paty Hall but had all night (as well as all week) to get his room set up before classes started. </p>

<p>Trust that it will all work out.</p>

<p>I concur with momof3boyz that it will all work out. Most students adapt to college life easier than they thought they would. Alabama and Outdoor Action are great opportunities to meet new people and get honors credit at the same time. </p>

<p>It is definitely possible for a student to move in by themselves. I did that this year and it worked out slick. I mailed 3 boxes to the Paty Package Delivery Center, checked two suitcases, and brought my laptop onto my redeye flight. After arriving in the morning, I took the shuttle down to campus, picked up my boxes, and went to Publix to buy food. Target sponsors a late night shopping event the Sunday after normal move-in where Target pays for the buses and essentially hosts a 2 hour party, complete with tons of free gifts.</p>

<p>I highly suggest that your students participate in either Alabama or Outdoor Action. The transition to college may be difficult at times, but everything will work out in the end.</p>

<p>Good Luck and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>My son did Outdoor Action last year and flew down with just enough items for the week. There was only one other room mate in his suite. We drove down in the middle of the week with most everything else he needed. Believe me, the car was stuffed. One night we moved his stuff in and the next day (while he was at OA) we set it up.</p>

<p>We supplied all the kitchen items, most paper items and cleaning supplies for the suite (enough to last). I also stocked the fridge with essentials like milk, Orange juice, eggs, butter and bread. I also put a chocolate cake with a congratulations message in the fridge. I later heard that the cake was a big hit</p>

<p>What kind of honors credit do you get for AA?</p>

<p>It’s a 1 credit class.</p>