Alabama Greek Missions in Nicaragua

<p>Don’t know if anyone else from the trip is on CC, but I have to let you all know what this group is doing.</p>

<p>This is a student group of 16 UA students from the Greek system. They are in many different sorority and fraternity houses. Every year after finals they head to South or Central America to build houses for those in need.</p>

<p>My D is a freshman and talked to them at the Club Fair. She decided then and there that she wanted to go.</p>

<p>They are in Nicaragua until December 23rd and if you’d like to follow them, just do a search on Facebook w/ Alabama Greek Mission. Even though there is no phone service, etc, the head of the group posts pictures daily. It is amazing to see my D digging a foundation, playing with the local kids and otherwise being a good citizen of the world.</p>

<p>I am so proud of what this group stands for and what they are doing. They collected over 20 bags of toys to bring to these kids at the Mission. The mayor of the town told them that having a pinata is a big deal to these kids, but having actually Christmas gifts is something they could not even dream of. The students are reading to the kids every night about different Christmas story’s. Rudolph and Night Before Christmas have been big.</p>

<p>The house that they are building is going to a single mom with 3 young kids and who also takes care of her infirm grandparents. The family was chosen by the community to get the house, so everyone knows that she is deserving.</p>

<p>Many of your kids donated toys in their individual houses as there were boxes placed all over. I can’t wait for the Christmas party that they are going to have for the kids to distribute the gifts. I’m sure that the pics will be priceless.</p>

<p>It’s hard knowing that all of her friends, roommates, etc are all home already, and she is still not back, but boy am I proud of her decision to do something special like this. Just hope that the snow storm that is brewing up here in Chicago doesn’t delay her flights on Sunday.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>The BEST Stories combine the Spirit of CHristmas and that of the Crimson Tide!!!</p>

<p>God Bless these Mission Kids, God Bless the Folks in Nicaragua, and God Bless (especially on January 7th) the Crimon Tide Nation!!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>How wonderful!!! </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>