Alabama VS Ole Miss and Auburn for Engineering?

<p>My son has been accepted at all three, plus LSU. We were impressed by the facilities at Bama, and it is obvious the university is committing resources to the program. However, my son liked the smaller size of Ole Miss. Does anyone have experience and/or input on these programs?</p>

<p>What area of engineering interests your son? </p>

<p>Does he qualify for merit awards?</p>

<p>It may help to look at the hard data profiles for all 3 schools here, for their particular eng’g programs: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>He is interested in computer engineering. So far, he doesn’t qualify for a merit award. But he just took SAT again last month, and is taking ACT again in December…fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Yes, fingers-crossed! Are you instate for any of these schools? Do you have a budget as to how much you will pay per year?</p>

<p>No, we are not in-state. We are from Florida. My son is also applying to FSU and UCF, but would really prefer to go out of state. In-state tuition will cost us about $13,000/year, but we can exceed that by about $10,000 if needed.</p>

<p>@17srqsiesta‌ </p>

<p>When you say that instate tuition will cost you about $13k, do you mean tuition only? Or do you mean tuition, room, board, books, fees, etc? </p>

<p>OOS total costs (tuition, fees, room, board, books, etc) are more than $23k, which you likely have already found out.</p>

<p>If you can pay $25k, that will cover the OOS tuition, and then if your son can work/save in the summers to contribute, plus take out a $5500 student loan, and get some merit money, then going OOS could be affordable.</p>

<p>It sounds like merit money is needed to make these OOS schools affordable. If your son fully understands that, then hopefully he is practicing for this next test. </p>

<p>Best wishes.</p>

<p>Just checked…</p>

<p>FSU instate cost</p>

<p>Tuition and fees $6,592<br>
Room and board $10,208
Books and supplies $1,000<br>
Estimated personal expenses $2,914<br>
Transportation expenses $1,210<br>
Estimated Total $21,924</p>

<p>Looks like Tuition, fees, room, board, books as an instate FSU student is about $17,000 (not counting the other misc expenses)</p>

<p>I were you, I would make sure that my son fully understood the total cost of going OOS and how much you can pay ($23k) so that he understands that the rest of the cost (likely $10k+) will have to come from him with summer work, student loan, and merit scholarship. </p>