Alcohol on campus?

<p>Does anyone know how prevalent drinking is on the TCU campus? I am really interested in attending TCU but I've heard things about heavy drinking on campus. Just out of curiosity. I like to have fun, but not in that way.</p>

<p>Alcohol is on almost every college campus, as I’m sure you know. But I would not call TCU a heavy drinking school, especially when compared to SMU. Nonetheless, yes, there are kids on campus who party but there are plenty of kids who don’t. My son has had no problem finding kids like him. Additionally, TCU is ON TOP OF IT! They do not turn a blind eye to kids breaking rules and laws. TCU stands strong by its ethics and sets a stellar example of being a top university.</p>

<p>Hi again Rice…I agree with you, and as a parent of an incoming Freshman, I am happy TCU is ON TOP OF IT…they have handled issues well and with confidence!</p>