Alcohol Test? Missing ID Photo?

<p>My S told me that kids have been communicating online (perhaps thru - he didn't say) about a test that was sent email regarding alcohol use. Has anyone's S or D gotten such an email, because S hasn't. I would call UM but am unsure who to ask, except maybe the orientation folks.</p>

<p>Also, we sent a photo for the Cane Card on June 14 and S got an email today that they never received a photo. Has anyone else had that problem?</p>

<p>Thanks guys.</p>

<p>Wish-S did receive the alcohol awareness course info on 8/1. He completed it on Tuesday to get it out of the way. Here is a link to the letter.<br>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>S also sent in a picture, but we haven't heard anything since then.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot, M3S - I read the letter, called them and got the info he'll need by phone. He is on their list so it is odd he didn't get the email, as all freshman were supposed to have.... anyway, thanks much - your post made it easy to do! :)</p>

<p>PS - Wow, I can still edit this! Just called about the ID cards - it was a glitch that sent the email re: no photos. If photo was sent, they should have it.</p>

<p>Glad the info was helpful. I can't believe how quickly this is coming up. Instead of a grad party in June, we are having a going off to college party tomorrow. It was much easier for relatives to travel in the summer and it's nice to get all the kids and parents together one last time before they go their separate ways.</p>

<p>We are leaving for Miami next Saturday for a combo family vacation/dropoff. I can't believe it's already here! S is really getting excited as are the rest of us.</p>

<p>Hey My 3... We leave Sunday AM!!!<br>
D has decided to give "Band Camp" a try so she moves in to her dorm Mon. AM - I'll be doing the running around shopping (when not lounging poolside:)) while she marches:cool:</p>

<p>I can't wait to hear all your moving stories. Son is moving from summer dorm into regular dorm this afternoon and just took last summer session final. It all goes by so won't be long till you all are in my place and just waiting now for that final "pomp and cirumstance.." :)</p>

<p>we got the same email about the Cane Id card, called and were told to check back next week as they ahve 2 boxes to go through. We sent the pic in about a month ago.</p>