All New International Applicants - The Process and Timeline

<p>“”“”""Tips for Preparing Your College Application</p>

<p>Correctly submitting all the different pieces of your college application is like a test — one you can easily pass. While the process may seem complicated, a little organization and attention go a long way.</p>

<p>You can apply to colleges online or through the mail. Online applications can be processed quickly and may have built-in checks to ensure all materials are included. Mailed applications are easier to proofread. Either way, following this advice will set you up to succeed.</p>

<p>Start early.</p>

<p>Set deadlines for completing essays, collecting recommendations and filling out forms a few weeks before they’re actually required. Mark these earlier deadlines on your calendar and don’t miss them. College websites are the best place to find accurate deadline information.</p>

<p>Be consistent.</p>

<p>Using the exact same name on all your forms makes things easier for admission officers. Decide if you want to use a shortened version of your legal name or your middle name, and then always use the same version. Switching names — going from Bill to Billy, for example — increases the odds that your materials will get misfiled.</p>

<p>Be careful. </p>

<p>Careless mistakes on your application can hurt your chances of getting accepted. After you finish an application, put it aside for a day and then check it over for errors. If you can, have a teacher or parent proofread it as well. Save and review online applications before you submit them.</p>

<p>Alert your school. </p>

<p>You need to let school officials know which colleges you’re applying to so they can send along your transcripts. The people you ask to write recommendation letters also need to know where you’re applying if they’re mailing the letters themselves.</p>

<p>Completing the Package</p>

<p>Once you’ve completed your application, follow these tips to make sure all the parts get where they’re going.</p>

<p>Don’t wait. </p>

<p>Anything that needs to be mailed, including your application itself, should be sent in several weeks before it is due. This allows time for delivery and processing. Online materials should be sent weeks before the deadline as well.</p>

<p>Submit once. </p>

<p>When you apply online, you’ll usually get an automated response saying your materials have been received. If you don’t, contact the college’s admission office. Don’t apply online again or mail in another application.</p>

<p>Keep copies. </p>

<p>Make a copy of each piece of each application. Save personal identification numbers, passwords, canceled checks and notes or emails from admission officers. This documentation can save you if a problem arises.</p>

<p>Get confirmation.</p>

<p>If you mail applications, put a stamped postcard addressed to your house in each package so admission officers can let you know that your materials arrived. The Post Office also offers a similar “return receipt” service. It may take a few weeks for confirmation cards to reach you.</p>

<p>If you get a notice saying something is missing, don’t panic. Just call the admission office and calmly ask what steps you can take. This is why you wisely saved copies of everything and sent in your application early!“”“”“”“”"</p>

<p>“”"College Application Checklist- Use this…</p>

<p><a href=“"“”“”“”&gt;"”“”“”</a>"</p>

<p>""What Is a High School Transcript and Why Is It Important?</p>

<p>As you’re preparing for college, your high school transcript will most likely be the first piece of information reviewed by a university admissions officer. The transcript is a complete record of all the education coursework, grades and credits you earned in your four years of high school.</p>

<p>When planning for college, your high school transcript is paramount. With this transcript you can show admissions counselors how hard you work, what areas you excel in and which major or type of degree might be best for you.</p>

<p>When he obtains your transcript, the college admissions officer will look at:</p>

<p>Your grade point average (GPA) and class rank.
Be aware that some schools only consider core classes (like English, math, science and social studies) when calculating your GPA (What is a GPA?), while others look at grades for all of your classes.</p>

<p>The types of classes you enrolled in. AP/IB classes will show that you are serious about planning for college, while a course load of non-academic classes will not impress them very much.</p>

<p>How consistent your GPA was. When schools are looking for desirable candidates, they want to see that you are willing to work hard, and maintaining a high grade point average shows that. </p>

<p>Rocky start? Keep at it. Schools also like to see GPA improvement.</p>

<p>The number of pass/fail classes you took. Earning a passing grade in these classes is often considered a D by colleges. Avoid pass/fail classes so they don’t impact your cumulative GPA.</p>

<p>Your behavior record, if included. It would only be a factor if there were any negative reports, such as suspensions or other disciplinary actions.</p>

<p>Include a school profile.
This is a demographic record of student population, AP/IB classes offered and other pertinent information that is usually required by college admissions officers.</p>

<p>High School Transcripts: Tips & Tactics</p>

<p>As you prepare your college admissions applications, request a copy of your high school transcript from your high school counselor or registrar so you can review it for accuracy.</p>

<p>Check average GPAs at schools you want to attend. You may find a college you love, but if your transcript isn’t strong enough, you might not be a desired candidate.""""""""</p>

<p>There is no general consensus on this topic. But I am going to cover it for all the IBDP applicants out there.</p>

<p>’’’’'So what’s different about IB courses?</p>

<p>An IB diploma means committing to a rigorous two-year curriculum in your junior and senior year. Over the course of those two years, you’ll be expected to study six subjects chosen from six subject groups (i.e. language, second language, experimental sciences, the arts, math and computer science, and individuals and societies).</p>

<p>In addition, IB students engage in the core requirements of completing a 4,000-word extended essay, a theory of knowledge course, and participating in community service. Clearly, the IB curriculum requires a longer-term commitment.</p>

<p>What Do Colleges Think of IB Applicants?</p>

<p>As a result of the IB program’s ability to develop critical-thinking skills, independent learning, and research proficiency in students, it is recognized that IB graduates often have stronger reasoning an analytical skills used at the college level.</p>

<p>Most American universities and schools abroad recognize an IB diploma, and generally provide college credit for the courses taken during the two-year program, provided you complete the entire program. Each university will have varying policies when it comes to an IB diploma, so take the time to check with each college’s admissions office.</p>

<p>As to whether the IB can help you in the college admissions process, it’s difficult to say. As with any other individual attribute of your college preparation, an IB diploma is part of the larger picture of your application.</p>

<p>As a general rule, the IB program is deemed to be more international in tone and scope than similar AP classes. Participating in the IB program could possibly help distinguish you from other college applicants if it is part of a strong overall application. “”""""""</p>

<p>""""""""Your Secret Weapon</p>

<p>One piece of advice that is frequently given and often overlooked is to focus on developing your writing skills. Not only will this help with your college applications – primarily the all-important essay portion – but it will also help with your future college academic career.’’’’’’’’</p>

<p>"""""""""International Students From India</p>

<p>According to the Open Door document published by the Institute of International Education, during the 2009-2010 school year the number of Indian college students in America increased 2 percent, or more than 105,000.</p>

<p>This is a lower growth rate than the previous year, but Indians remain the second-largest international group studying in the US. In fact, Indian students represent 15 percent of all international students.</p>

<p>International Student Colleges</p>

<p>What colleges do Indian international students attend?</p>

<p>Many students find the transition to college abroad jarring, and they need some help acclimating to American life. These students should search out a college with an active Indian Student Association. Boston College, Brown University, Stanford University, Michigan State University and Virginia Tech are just a few colleges with Indian Student Associations.</p>

<p>If you want to really immerse yourself in American culture, you might want to attend a small college in an urban setting like New York City, Boston, Chicago or Los Angeles. A small college allows you the chance to develop relationships with your professors and take advantage of small classes. You won’t feel like just a number.</p>

<p>Community colleges might also be a good choice for Indian students. Community-college campuses are diverse and provide high-quality courses at a cheaper price. International students can earn their associate’s degree and later transfer to a bachelor’s degree program.</p>

<p>Top Schools for International Students</p>

<p>When attending college in the United States, many international students want to go to a school with a large population of international students to ease the transition.</p>

<p>Colleges with a high number of international students often have resources like an Office for International Students or school clubs and associations specifically for international students from various countries.</p>

<p>For example, Harvard University, whose 2009-10 student population was 23% international students, has a bevy of international groups including the South Asian Association, the Chinese Students and Scholars Association, the African Student Association, and the Eastern European Association.</p>

<p>Colleges for International Students</p>

<p>In general, you will have luck finding colleges with large international student populations in California, Florida, Massachusetts, New York, and Texas.</p>

<p>You may be surprised to find out that there are 184 colleges with more than 1,000 international students in America. The Open Doors report of 2010 shows that of these schools, those with the most international students are:</p>

<p>University of Southern California (USC) (7,987)</p>

<p>University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana (7,287)</p>

<p>New York University (NYU) (7,276)</p>

<p>Purdue University (6,903)</p>

<p>Columbia University (6,833)</p>

<p>Many international students are drawn to higher education in America because of the liberal arts approach that most colleges take. It can be argued that liberal arts educations produce a more well-rounded individual who knows how to think critically.</p>

<p>Transitioning to college as an international student is difficult for most people. If you think you might need some extra help adjusting to your new environment, search out schools that have your major of interest and a high population of international students. “”""""""</p>

<p>Some more help from another link, to get you organised…</p>

<p>College Applications and the Admissions Process</p>

<p>[College</a> Applications and the Admissions Process](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>Something for Parents</p>

<p>""""Discuss the Personal and Social Responsibilities of Going to College</p>

<p>For many students going away to college may be their first time away from home, so it’s important to discuss the social and personal implications they may face.</p>

<p>Open a dialogue about underage drinking. According to recent studies, more than half of college freshman will face an opportunity to drink within their first week of college. And over 159,000 first-year students are forced to leave school every year for alcohol or drug related reasons. Have a frank discussion with your child about the implications to their success if they participate in it.</p>

<p>In addition, an important aspect to cover will be how your child budgets their expenses. Decide if your teen will be using a credit or debit card, what their limit should be, and provide ways for them to budget how they spend what they’re allotted. </p>

<p>College Admissions Calendar For Parents</p>

<p>Preparing for college does not start the week before moving into the new dorm room.
Many students want to put off thinking about their college plans for as long as possible. It’s then up to the parents to set them on the path to matriculating at the right school.</p>

<p>So It Begins: The Freshman Year Plan</p>

<p>First things first: in order to be accepted to college, a student must complete the high school requirements. By the first month of school is done, students and parents should know which classes are needed to graduate high school and which are needed to enter college.</p>

<p>These requirements are not always the same. For instance, some four-year universities require two years of a foreign language, while some high schools may not require any foreign language at all. It would be a shame not to realize that until senior year, when it may be too late.</p>

<p>The best way to stay on track is to visit and create a relationship with the guidance counselor. A counselor is sure to know the high school requirements and will likely have information on classes needed for college.</p>

<p>It’s a good idea to have your child begin volunteering and becoming involved in extra curricular activities to build his college resume and discover his interests.</p>

<p>It’s also smart to begin thinking about finances at this time. By saving or planning early, you may save yourself some hassle later.</p>

<p>Keeping on the Path: Sophomore Year</p>

<p>Freshman year was a teaser of the next three years of grades, classes and extra curricular activities. Continue to make sure that everything is on track in those areas.</p>

<p>The second year of high school is a good time to begin researching colleges and attending college fairs.</p>

<p>Also, it’s never too early to begin studying for the SATs. Students have the opportunity to take it all throughout their junior year, so studying early might not be a bad idea.</p>

<p>The Almighty Junior Year</p>

<p>Junior year is usually considered to be the most important year in college planning. Grades from this year are often the last that colleges see when applications are sent out.</p>

<p>Schedule SAT testing times. The test is very important, so make sure your child studies. And remember that she can take it over as many times as she wants.</p>

<p>Visit If You Can afford to! Colleges welcome high school students with open arms to tour the campus and learn a bit about the school. Not only will this teach you more about the university, it may also excite your child about going to college.</p>

<p>Discuss college plans with your child. It’s important to know what he wants out of his college experience. After all, where he chooses to go may affect his entire life.</p>

<p>The Last Step: Senior Year</p>

<p>Many college applications are due early in the year, around November. It may be best to begin college applications as early as the summer before senior year.</p>

<p>Most applications require at least a personal essay. It wouldn’t hurt to have your child write the essay early so that she may re-write until it’s up to her standards.</p>

<p>Once college applications are turned it, it’s time to wait for the acceptances to roll in. However, make sure that a case of senioritis doesn’t cause your child’s grades to slip.""""""</p>

<p>To all new applicants, I do hope it will help with getting started. And the process will look manageable, because it actually is. Only thing required is planning ahead, making a timeline, a Checklist and sticking to deadlines. And work hard and smart during those High School years ie. 9/10/11/12.</p>

1 Like

<p>Great post !!!</p>

<p>Amazing general guide, anialways!</p>

<p>Woah ! Awesome work Anialways. This should help a lot of 17ers and beyond.</p>

<p>Thank you Tizil and Mrinal.</p>

<p>Hope things are great for you Tizil. Another 5 weeks and then a week of Exams and you are all set for this semester. Wishing you the very best.</p>

<p>And Mrinal, so how was Sandy for you. Hope you were saved from all the trouble that affected a lot of people. And I just received a photo of snowstorm in NY today early morning my time. Looks like winter is setting in early this year. Usually the snow comes in during the New Year. Stay safe and stay warm.</p>

<p>@anialways - yes, East coast is getting real bad weather lately…but I think it is going to improve next week. Thanks for all the post here. Hope people are able to take advantage of this.</p>

<p>Yes. The east side was flooded and it was water everywhere. Upper west, not so much. We just had a power cut, though it is back now. Some of the areas are still in the dark though.
Haha, yes. Snow. I will stay warm, thanks a ton Anialways !</p>

<p>Some useful links (on financial aid for internationals) and other useful links</p>

<p>[eduPASS</a> | Financial Aid for International Students | Schools with Aid for Undergraduates](<a href=“]eduPASS”>Schools with Financial Aid for International Students - eduPASS)
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
[EducationUSA</a> | For International Students](<a href=“]EducationUSA”></p>

<p>Reviving this thread for Class of 2018 Applicants. Good luck to all of you out there. Read and research as much as you can and it will help you in making sound decisions in terms of your choices.</p>

<p>Thank you so much anilways. :)</p>

<p>Thank you! This is great! </p>

<p>When should I be writing essays and applications? Towards November? </p>

<p>And would you need to write a separate essay for each university? </p>

<p>How long are essays and Letters of recommendation? </p>

<p>Thanks again :)</p>

<p>You should write first draft of the Commonapp essay in the summer between 11th-12th grade. </p>

<p>Once you shortlist the colleges you want to apply to, each college will have it’s own requirements for SATs, essays, LORs…</p>

<p>The word limit for essays is also defined. The LORs, in my opinon, should be mo longer than one page. If I remember correctly, there is a standard format for this as well.</p>

<p>This is a great thread that you have started, but you have neglected perhaps the most important aspect for any International student- how to pay for college. Many schools will not give financial aid to International students. Each school has its own individual policy, and as an Indian parent who has lived in the USA nearly my entire life, the rise in costs has been staggering. If you look hard enough on CC, there are several International students who have been accepted to some stellar institutions and received little if any financial aid, with no means to finance an education. Other than that, I think that your posts are pretty spot on to help others who don’t understand the process.</p>