<p>Ok, this is probably going to sound like a weird question, but does any body know of any colleges that offer any courses in "alternative" history. For example, a class which talks about why there is water damage on the Sphinx. I am really interested in alternative history (as well as factual history) and was wondering if there was any where that I could explore my curiosity in academia. I know there's probably not, but I was just curious. If you have any other suggestions or need more information, please let me know. Thanks :).</p>
<p>You could attend a school that will let you design your own major and work on independent research projects. These schools include Hampshire and Bennington, and I'm sure there are a number of others where history professors are investigating the issues you are interested in. You need to look at history department web pages, checking out the interests of professors to see if you can find professors studying what you're interested in. Not much help, but a place to start. If you have some books on the topics, perhaps you can contact the authors for some assistance (I know that sounds ridiculous, but most people love to give advice, so it's worth a shot).</p>
<p>That's a great idea for a class. I think it doesn't exist because - reputation to the contrary - academia tends to be very conservative in what it accepts as reality.</p>
<p>I know an anthropologist who has resigned himself to getting rich first so he can fund his own research because his peers are so resistant to new perspectives.</p>
<p>Yeah, that sounds really interesting, but I'm not sure where you could find a class like that. It sounds more like something you would write about in a Master's thesis. But I agree with fatladysings--your best bet is probably to find somewhere that offers a lot of independent research/studies.</p>
<p>Wow thanks guys! I wasn't actually expecting responses to such an off beat question lol. </p>
<p>fatladysings, I actually have a huge stack of books. I never thought of contactin the authors. Thanks of the suggestion! </p>
<p>applejack, yeah I know. That's what I figured =[. I hate that academia doesn't attempt to research anything that is already supposed to be "proven".</p>
<p>lylbeachbabee, haha that's good but I'm not planning on getting a master's in history. Maybe I could do it for my senior thesis or something.</p>