Am I a good fit for the College of Engineering? (RD)

<p>I'm planning to apply to Tech's Engineering School, but I'm worried that I'm not qualified enough, especially in math. Here are my stats:</p>

Overall 2100
Math 670
Reading 760
Writing 670</p>

Overall (superscored): 33
English 35
Math 28
Science 34
Writing 34</p>

<p>GPA: 4.16 weighted, school doesn't do unweighted
Rank: school doesn't rank</p>

Track year-round, all 4 years
Cross country 11, 12
Volunteer at church: 10,11,12
Violin: 9, 10,11,12
VP of a public speaking club, 10,11,12
Shadowed at a dental practice: 12
Interned at a law office 11
NHS 10,11,12</p>

<p>Awards: AP scholar with Honor, another award from the public-speaking club I'm in</p>

<p>Senior classes: AP Bio, AP Calc AB, AP Lit, AP Physics 1, AP Gov, Human Anatomy and Physiology
Junior classes: AP Chem, AP Computer Science, AP Lang, APUSH, Chinese 3&4 (it's a one year class that takes up 2 periods), Pre-Calc Honors</p>

<p>I'm also a girl, in-state, if that helps at all.</p>

<p>I know my math scores are average for engineering, but my other scores are fine. I'm worried that none of my Extracurriculars are really related to math or engineering, and don't really show a lot of focus. Would tech care that math seems to be my worst subject, even if it's not that bad? I know I'm probably overreacting, but I would appreciate any feedback.</p>

<p>@Runthisworld‌ I also applied for engineering at VT but I’m out of state. We have very similar stats (my ACT math is 3 points higher but our super score is the same) and are taking similar senior year classes. The main difference is that my extracurriculars are more job and community service focused, but, like you, they don’t show a focus in engineering. I don’t really know what to tell you since I’m wondering if I’ll get in also. Good luck though!</p>

<p>Challenging course load including Calc and Physics - check. Weighted GPA above 4.0 - check. Good SAT scores - check. Extracurricular activities - check - they don’t really have to be science orientated if you have the science classes. So, the only potential issue is your Math SAT of 670. It appears you are stronger in reading/writing than math but I think admissions will accept you given your strong scores otherwise and their desire for more women in the COE. </p>

<p>Emlee, did you apply early decision or regular? Early would have definitely helped.</p>

<p>@Runthisworld‌ I applied RD. I actually wasn’t too concerned about getting accepted until I read through some of the stats and credentials of people who were deferred ED. We’ll find out in April though…</p>