Am I African American?? Everyone has different opinion.

<p>Ok, so I think of myself to be 100% African American. My parents, their parents and their parents parents were born in south africa, and so was I. The reason that people (my teachers mostly) debate this is because I am white. I feel that the term African American applies to me, but some of my teachers refuse to let me check the box that says that on tests. What do you think?</p>

<p>If you are white, then you are white. You can’t check the African American box. That is why the box always says “black/African American”. You are not black and therefore can’t check the box.</p>

<p>I understand that and dont debate that. If the boxes say black, hispanic, asian, or white, obviously I would check white. But do you debate that I am African American? And if the box says that I have every right to check it?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>“Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as “Black, African Am., or Negro,” or provide written entries such as African American, Afro American, Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian.”</p>

<p>No. African Americans or Black Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have origins in any of the black populations of Africa. </p>

<p>[African</a> American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]African”>African Americans - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>Understandable, but then again I am African, there is no argument there, and I am now an American (dual citizenship), does that not make me African-American?</p>

<p>No, it does not. I understand your point, SProtor, and I know someone else in the exact same situation – same heritage – as you. It was debated and decided that African-American is either precisely defined by, or suggests, being black.</p>

<p>Sorry. No dice.</p>

<p>debated and decided between whom?</p>

<p>"debated and decided between whom? "</p>

<p>Did you read the Race in College Admissions threads?</p>

<p>Some excerpts that MIGHT be relevant</p>

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<p>Shrinkrap, are you saying that I am or am not, because in the threads there seems to be quite a bit of back and forth.</p>

<p>Call up any top college’s admissions office and ask.</p>

<p>Harvard: 617-495-1551
Yale: 203-432-9300
Stanford: 650-723-2091</p>

<p>lockn, good idea, i will try tomorrow</p>

<p>You are not African American.</p>

<p>Yes, you’re technically an African=American by virtue of the fact that you are actually of (white )African ancestry and now live in the US. But, this isn’t the meaning that these forms are seeking. They’re looking for BLACK African American. John Kerry’s wife, Teresa also use to claim African American status (because she’s from some African country). But, for US purposes, this category is for BLACK Americans moreso than African Americans (of any race)</p>

<p>thanks Impw, I can live with that, the fact is I am proud to be both African and American, so i feel that box suits me well.</p>

<p>And very insightful answer Emek…</p>

<p>Sorry, If I seemed mean. I would consider you “African American” if there wasn’t already a set definition. But since there is, you are not African American. I am just going by the definition.</p>

<p>Most “Africans” I know are proud to be from a specific country. Perhaps you are proud to be South African? What with your family going WAY back and all. Wonder what affirmative action looks like there these days.</p>

<p>Genealogically you are probably western european of some sort, whereas the term african american as it applies to race refers to people who genealogically are African.</p>

<p>It is in the same way that I am American, although genealogically I’m western european.</p>

<p>mcPucks, that was the best answer i have heard, I can understand if people mean it like that. But I still truly feel that the term fits me precisly.</p>

<p>The test is, would your ancestors have had potential value to be sold as slaves?</p>