Am I competitive?

<p>In-State (Hampton Roads Area)
UW GPA = 3.58
10-pt grading scales (+/- used) A= 4.0, A-= 3.7, B+= 3.3, B= 3.0, B = 2.7, etc.
93 - 100 = A 90-92 = A-
87- 89 = B+ 83-86 = B 80-82 = B-
ACT = 28 (English 30, Math 28, Reading 28, Science 25) I know Tech only looks at English and Math
Legacy (Grandfather, Dad, Mom and Brother) I know this does not factor in much.</p>

<p>7th / 8th Grade
Algebra I
Earth Science </p>

<p>9th Grade: (3.65 UW GPA)
Honors English 9 (B+)
Algebra II (A)
Biology (B+)
History (A)
Health/PE (A)
Spanish II (B+)</p>

<p>Grade 10: (3.5 UW GPA)
Honors English 10 (B+)
Trig / Prob & Stats (A-)
Chemistry (B+)
AP Euro (A-)
Health / PE
Spanish III (B)</p>

<p>Grade 11: (3.62 UW GPA)
AP English 11 (B+)
AP US History 11 (B)
AP Enviromental (A-)
Math Analysis (A-)
Health PE
Fashion Mktg </p>

<p>Grade 12: (Current Qtr 1 grade)
AP English 12 = B
AP Govt = B+
AP Physics = B+
AP Calculus = B+
Health / PE = A
Adv Fashion Mktg = A</p>

<p>Thinking either Biology, or Education or Undecided. Any thoughts on chances? Given the website does not list average UW GPA or ACT looking to see if I am competitive with others who have been admitted. Thanks for any information or thoughts.</p>

<p>If you look at the website you can find the [Freshman</a> Snapshot](<a href=“]Freshman”> and that has some of the information you’re looking for. I believe admissions converts ACT scores into SAT equivalents, so you’ll want to try and figure that out to compare scores.</p>

<p>Your class rank would be helpful in determining how much of a chance you have. Classes like Fashion Mktg and PE might put you at a bit of a disadvantage, considering other students take other APs rather than electives like those, but besides that your course loads looks pretty rigorous and you have a decent GPA.</p>

<p>Just an update… Deferred ED, Wait-listed RD…</p>