Am I crazy?

<p>I am a current freshman majoring in Biology. As I have heard, Biology is one of the hardest/most time consuming majors after Engineering. With that being said, I want to do Hokie Ambassadors, Rescue Squad, AED (pre-med honors fraternity), and run for class office. Am I putting too much on my plate? I am a very responsible student and know how to prioritize my time. I was very involved in high school and want to continue that at Tech. Any advice would be helpful!</p>

<p>Slow down kiddo :slight_smile: My advice would be to pick one organization that you value and try it, see how well you manage participating in it and keeping up your studies. College classes are much more involved than high school, so you need to be cautious about overextending yourself.</p>

<p>I have learned the hard way over the years (many more years than you have on this earth :)) it is better to do one thing well than do many things poorly. Hope this helps and have fun!</p>