Am I doomed to a tier 3 school?

<p>Let’s see… I’ve been rejected to Davis, Santa Barbara, and San Diego.</p>

<p>My Stats: 1910 SATI / 750 MATH 2C / 620 Bio / 3.6 UC GPA
Majoring in: Mathematics
AP’s : Junior Year : Bio , Calc AB, US History ( 3 4 3 ) {Ap Scholar Award} Currently Taking: Art History, Statistics, Calc BC (im in “calc CD” which is my school only but plan to take BC exam)</p>

<p>I applied to 7 UC’s : Riverside (accepted), SD (r) , SB (r) , SD (r), LA (pend), CAl (pend).
Based on this info, do you guys think I can get to Irvine perhaps and not have to go tier 3 Riverside? I’m really mad at the moment because if I was only shooting for Riverside I might as well have not taken AP’s in highschool and just lived an easier life.
I know most likely i wont be accepted to LA or Berk since I can’t even get into SD , SB , D so I’m leaving Irvine (tier 2 school) as my last hope.
Please god accept me!!
I’ve seen people with less stats get into SB and Davis but for some reason, I was not accepted to either.
I would’nt mind Riverside but I don’t think that should be where I am destined to go because my scores, in my opinion , are tier 2 worthy. </p>

<p>What do you guys think?</p>

<p>I'm in the same boat as you. My gpa is slightly higher, but my SATs are slightly lower.</p>

<p>Rejected at Davis, SB, SD. Irvine, LA, and UCB still pending.
Applied to Business Econ. in all of them.</p>

<p>Only been accepted into Cal Poly SLO and UCSC. :(
By the time I graduate, I will have taken 8 APs, and 2 honors classes.</p>

<p>well sb is usually more selective than irvine, and davis got hard this year. unfortunately nobody here can tell you if you're in or not because none of us work for the uci admissions office. of course you have a chance because your stats aren't bad, although the gpa is a little low. i guess all you can do is wait, which of course sucks, but someone's opinion really can't change anything. good luck!</p>

<p>Your SAT is above the average for second tier UC schools, but if anything it's your GPA. If school prestige (aka which tier of UC) is a big issue for you, your stats indicate that you could potentially be successful transferring from a CCC to a more well-known school than UCR. However, if you're bent on a freshman entrance, then, while I wouldn't rule out Irvine, I still wouldn't have my hopes all placed in that.</p>

<p>rejectedLOL, did you really get rejected to uci? I thought they didn't reject anyone yet?</p>

<p>crypt, what is bringing you down is your gpa. Overall, gpa matters more than SAT scores when it comes to colleges in my opinion. UCRiverside is not as bad of school as people think and say it is. It's still in the top 100 national universities. </p>

<p>Also, i'm assuming you are talking about undergrad work? Undergrad isn't that big of a deal, just apply to a good grad school after undergrad. Grad school is what matters.</p>

<p>Di_Nate, I think you read my post wrong, I should of made it more clear. I'm still waiting on UCI.</p>

<p>cryptcougar - I personally think you should apply to either ASU or UofA real quick since they are still taking applications. Well if you don't get into Irvine, UCR seems like your last option, and why would anyone go there? The school sucks at sports, the students are unhappy, it is in Riverside, and it is boring.</p>

<p>I mean if you don't get into your choices, and if you are going to a lesser school, you might as well have the best time ever.</p>

<p>ASU and U of A have great party scenes, pac 10 athletics, great food/housing, the campuses are nice, and they are pretty good schools. </p>

<p>I would look into it...and good luck with Irvine.</p>

<p>well ucr is better than asu if you're going with ranking, and the op seems to hold prestige in at least some esteem. ucr is also ranked higher than U of A, but U of A is not bad and is supposed to be a fun school.</p>

<p>yea i'm in the same boat and i think i'm screwed. i didn't get into davis or sd and i didn't apply to the other uc's except uci, ucla, ucb. i have no other back up school gahhh!!!!!!</p>

gpa: 3.4
SATI: 2160
satII: bio, 750 math IIC 700
AP's: junior year: ap calculus BC, ap physics, ap computer science
senior: ap bio, ap english
extensive volunteer work and extracurriculars including sports/dance
national merit commended student
i'm so worried. i'm praying for irvine right now :(</p>

<p>Quote :Also, i'm assuming you are talking about undergrad work? Undergrad isn't that big of a deal, just apply to a good grad school after undergrad. Grad school is what matters.</p>

<p>Yes I agree with you Di_Nate about the undergrad / grad school thing.
My grade has been dragged down because of : 2 C's in Ap Biology, 1 C in Sophomore English (personal thing), and B+'s in classes where i should have easily A'ed it (ex. AP Us History 2nd semester, Spanish 3 and Spanish 2, Physics 1st semester, etc)</p>

<p>I might appeal though because i got a 4.4 Uunweighted GPA first sem of senior year.
5 A's 1 B with 3 AP classes.</p>

<p>rejectedLol let me know if you receive any word from UCI. Yeah by the time im done I will have taken 6 AP's, and a few honors.</p>

<p>Everyone else, thank you for your support and response. I wish I had tried harder in Junior / Sophomore year instead of waiting till my senior year :(</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone</p>

<p>If you can explain your situation to your teachers, and get those B+s changed to A's, you have an excellent grounds for appeal, which has an excellent chance at having rejections reversed. I know my APUSH teacher told my friend that if he didn't get into UCSD, she would do that for him (He got in so eh)</p>

<p>If not, there's always community college. :(</p>

<p>Which can save alot of money... :(</p>

<p>Hey community colleges aren't all that bad. Sure you're missing out on the first couple years and the dorm experience, but for me it has given me a chance to apply to schools I didn't get accepted to during highschool. Weigh your options and see what you want to do.</p>

<p>And you also get to enjoy being accepted&rejected twice!</p>

<p>And you also get to enjoy being accepted&rejected twice!</p>

<p>that's funny :)
cheered me up</p>

<p>cryptcougar if you don't mind my asking what ec's, clubs and volunteer work do you have?</p>

<p>And you also get to enjoy being accepted&rejected twice!</p>

<p>That seems both like a pro and a con, haha. x);;</p>

<p>I have similar stats and in exact same situation. The only school accepted me so far is UCR. Rejected by UCD, UCSB an UCSD. </p>

<p>b1ackflames: you can still apply to UCR. Look at their website. It's not too late.</p>

<p>rejectedLOL: Cal Poly supposedly has a pretty good business program. I got into Cal Poly SLO as an economics major and UC Irvine as a business economics major this year. I'm still debating on where to go, but I am leaning towards UCI. But, if you don't get into UCI Cal Poly is an excellent school as well.......</p>

<p>cryptcougar if you don't mind my asking what ec's, clubs and volunteer work do you have?</p>

<p>Secetretary of German Club for 2 years, Vice President of AMC (kinda film club) for 1 year.
I have about 120 hours of volunteer work only =\
Oh well....
I hear UCR isnt that bad but my friend who goes there says it's easier then the Highschool I am currently at. I wonder if that's true</p>

<p>Your grades, your personal statement, and you took the ****ing Bio subject test</p>