Am I for Princeton?

<p>Hey readers, I am an Asian student.</p>

<p>The question is simple: Am I for Princeton?</p>

completed O level in two years
in O-I, got 'A's in all exams in all terms.
in O-II, got 'A's in all exams (except a B in Mathematics and a B in English language in the first term, got 'A's in these subjects in the second term)
O level: 7A<em>s, 2As
A levels first year: mid term: 5A</em>s, final term: 5A<em>s expected grades issued by the school: 5A</em>s
SAT I: 2090 (CR=650, Maths=770, Writing=670 in first attempt, will give second attempt coming January)
SAT II (result waiting): Expected: 800 Chemistry 790-800 Physics 800 Maths - level 2 </p>

-I founded a science journal, Plasma, which is Pakistan's only science journal at the high school about 5 months ago. Now, it has enormously grown into the biggest science community at this level and has members and ambassadors from all over the city. Professors like Walter Lewin (MIT) have appreciated our efforts and written articles for Plasma. I still devote a large part of my time towards developing and establishing Plasma.</p>

<p>-I am a writer at EUSci, the Edinburgh University Science Magazine. I am the youngest and the only international writer; all other writers are either PhDs or PhD scholars. I write on topics relating to astrophysics and my article on time travel has got selected for the March 2012 issue of EUSci.</p>

<p>-Worked as an intern in Alpha Engineering Firm for over an year. Was elected senior intern.</p>

<p>-Part of the project of designing a space settlement for NASA’s Space Settlement Design Competition. Designed the project for the school but couldn't go for presenting the project in the main competition.</p>

<p>-I was awarded the first position in the whole boys’ wing for my academics in the school in class 7th class, 8th class and 9th class out of over 400 students in my wing.
I was awarded the second position in the whole boys’ wing for my academics in the school in the 6th class out of over 400 students in my wing.</p>

<p>-My articles relating to astrophysics and relativity have got published in EUSci, Plasma (my own journal), Nebulous (a local journal) and Ideas Evolved (a magazine-published my article on the grandfather paradox as cover story).</p>

permanent member of ASSET, an NGO for the eradication of human right . Worked there for 250 hours.
remained ambassador at World Wide Fund for Nature.
Ambassador of the country's biggest cancer hospital for my school
Ambassador at Ideas Evolved (a magazine)
Ambassador of Azm-e-Alsihan
Member of stepUp Pakistan (an organisation which puts efforts for stepping up Pakistan)</p>

<p>Please chance me for Princeton, Harvard, Brown, Stanford, NYU AD.</p>