Am I in?

<p>Won a Gold Medal in International Informatics Olypiad conducted by Silverzone
1. Secured 2nd Rank in 7th International Level Science Talent Examination conducted by The Bangalore Science Forum.
2. Represented Delhi Public School Rajkot at 'LISTEN- The Worlds First Conference on Childs Concerns'.
3.Secured 3rd Rank in National Cyber Olympiad.
4. Secured 7th position in Assesment of Scholastic Skills thorugh Education Testing
5. Appointed School Captain recently.
6. Awarded 'A' Certificate by National Cadet Corps
7. Special appreciation by 'Leprosy Mission' for social work.
8. Represented K V at the State Science Fair at IIT Kharagpur.
9. Represented region at State for Volleyball and Ball Badminton.
10. Won state level debate organised by Hindi Samaj
11. Appointed school basketball and volleyball team Captain.
12. Appointed School Captain at DPS, Rajkot.
13. Choosen as a member of the Indian Ubuntu Linux Team.
14.Special appreciation by LIFE for social work.</p>

<p>NCC is like ROTC and I have got a recommendation from the commanding officer too</p>

<p>Well I have kinda messed up my junior years grades I have an avg of 70% but I have been getting As before right from freshman yr. My final exam is not over yet, so still hope left. By the time I apply I will have given 2 exams of senior yr so I guess I can show improvement there.I have really good recommendation letters too. So considering the above and that i get a decent score in SAT/SATII what are my chances at Purdue? I really wanna get into aerospace engg.(since I was around 10 yrs of age)</p>


<p>Ya, u should be</p>

<p>any more views?</p>

<p>purdue seems to be based solely on SAT/ACT and grades...atleast from the scholarships i received thats what it seemed like. So get good SAT or ACT and you are probly in. strong ECs too</p>

<p>bing bong, well just wondering all other chances thread recieves lotta replies :(</p>

<p>This is what i got from the admission office " Believe it or not only 3% of our freshmen are asked to leave because of grades."</p>

<p>how low do your grades have to be before they ask you to leave?</p>

<p>oh and aj I would say you would get "accepted" very easily, although really nail your scores and you could get some good scholarships. and if your ECs are as good as they read (never heard of any of them though, but whatever) you might wanna check out places like Harvey Mudd, Rose Hulman, or Cooper Union that you might not have heard of. That last one doesnt charge any of its students tuition if I remember correctly.</p>

<p>My school wont ask me to leave ...LOL.... I am the school captain. Comparitively I have a really good rank in class top 15% i guess. I want a Univ with a really good aerospace program.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure Aerospace at both Hulman and Mudd are much higher ranked than Purdue. Although I will say that at Mudd specifically you will get your brain's ass handed to you, prolly similar for hulman and and perhaps cooper (which i know very little about). Granted that mudd does not offer and AE degree; it only offers and engineering degree. But that engineering degree basically certifies you for whatever engineering u wanna do, even aerospace. And actually a couple people who I Know from mudd were employed as AE s by BOEING during WHILE finishing up at mudd. (and then enjoyed lucrative jobs right after)</p>

<p>Then again Purdue has that whole cradle of astronauts thing (they have graduate the 2nd most amount of astronauts) then again they have also graduate the most amount of engineers out of any university in the country, so that might be expected. </p>

<p>its a good school but im just saying it doesnt hurt to shop around, especially with OOS tuition with this one.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Purdue's Aero program is certainly better than Mudd or RHIT, and is ranked top 5 iirc by USNews though.</p>

<p>The sky is definitely not the limit when it comes to Purdue's aero program, they've put more man on the moon than any other university.</p>

<p>I certainly wouldnt doubt that that specific program is considered better at purdue, mostly because neither RHIT nor Mudd offer a specific degree in aerospace engineering. Although I do not know about RHIT, (but I assume its similar) Mudd offers the liberal arts kick to engineering and teaches its engineers how to be top line aerospace, electric, mechanic, or whatever engineering degree imaginable. The US News gives both Mudd and RHIT a 4.4 I believe in overall engineering, while giving Purdue a 3.8, if you want to pull rankings out.</p>

<p>But I am not trying to say that Purdue isnt great at AE, I am just saying you certainly shouldnt say "certainly" when comparing such institutions. </p>

<p>Oh and btw nice list, didnt know UCLA was that highly ranked in AE. good stuff.</p>

<p>edit- wait, what exactly is the criteria for that list?</p>

<p>heh. as an example from mudd...
i am a sophomore at mudd. i've worked for jpl for 5 months and am currently employed as an associate engineer for an aviations systems company desinging UAVs. </p>

<p>i have standing offers from jpl, sri and boeing - i'm working on some type of connection with blueorigin as well.</p>

<p>i'm also chief designer for some high performance carbon/kevlar rockets that will have embedded sensors, etc. i've done design work for caltech's hypervelocity impact lab (designed the sensor system) and designed some signal conditions that helped with nasa's msl descent stage (the 2009 mars rover) propulsion system.</p>

<p>the usnews rankings don't include mudd on the AE rankings because mudd has no AE degree. just general engineering.</p>

<p>mudd students are regularly (biannually) recruited on campus from (but not limited to):
the aerospace company, boeing, lockheed martin, northrop grumman, jet propulsion laboratory, aerojet, stanford research institute, southwest research institute, google (not AE, but awesome), blueorigin (sometimes), micro aviation solutions (?)...</p>

<p>there currently is a poster up outside the dining hall... since we are having another career day on thursday.</p>

<p>According to Princeton review Capitol College is also another famous one for ae. So the colleges you have been talking abt what are my chances for them?</p>

<p>Depends heavily on your SAT score and SATII scores. In 1995 (as well as other years, but I read something specifically about this) Mudd and Caltech were tied for the highest average SAT scores of incoming freshman out of any institution in the nation. Now I am not sure how it goes but i think it has dropped slightly. I got into Mudd frosh app with Math 800, Verbal 610, Math II 790 (oh there was profanity) and Chemistry 750. But I also did heavy biomedical research in my highschool, and had a 5.13 GPA (i will NOT explain this) so other things do matter.</p>

<p>well my school doesnt give a GPA, I am in the top 15% of my class. If i get good scores on th sat , will it be enough?</p>

<p>btw does the recent ranking in high school matter or throughout the high school?</p>

<p>Keep up your schoolwork, do well on your SATs, and apply early in the cycle (Purdue begins accepting and reviewing applications the first week in Sept.) -- that should give you the best chance next year. Good luck!</p>

<p>I will try my best!</p>