Am I ineligible?!?!?!

<p>In the main UC chance thread someone said I might not be even eligible because of my D and F in precalc junior year(I thought that it only meant you couldnt get credit for that class).There is no way that I can make that class up now but I meet every requirement including the math section (I have Alg 1(8th grade),Geometry Alg2, and AP stats:</p>

<p>I’d like to know for UCSC,UCR,UCM</p>

<p>UC GPA:3.44
GPA (weighted):3.44
GPA (un-weighted):3.0
Class Rank:Almost top 20% but within top 25% (Class Size:901)
I took alot of AP and Honors classes.
SAT II:720/620 (US/Biology)</p>

<p>Failed Pre-calculus my junior year. (D- 1st semester/F 2nd semester)
Minimal volunteer hours
No work experience</p>

-I’ve been a 3 year member of Key Club International(will continue)
-Secretary of the Junior Statesmen of America Chapter of our local area
*Joining my senior year,but I was elected for position of secretary
-Choir (joining senior year)
-Peer to Peer Support Program (2 years)</p>

-2 year History Day Participant
-2xHighlander Educational Foundation Award for Academic Excellence in AP European History and Keyboarding
-CA resident (Southern California)
-Chinese Male
-Low income family
-Went through alot of hardships
-High school is very competitive,great API score</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
-AP Government US/Comparative (So Far I have an A)
-AP Economics(A)
-AP Environmental Science(A)
-English IV (emphasis on Shakespeare literature)(A)
-AP Statistics and Probalities(C)
-Teacher Assistant(A+)</p>

<p>I got in to a bunch of UCs with only Algebra II as my highest math. I had a D in the second semester of it my sophomore year and had to retake it second semester senior year. I got an A the second time around and UCs still let me in. I'm at Davis now. As far as I know, the precalc grade shouldn't matter as long as you've completed the other math requirements.</p>

<p>yeah thats what I was thinking because based on that guys logic if I had straight A's 9th-12thgrade (hypothetically) but I screwed up and got one F in a class that makes me ineligible?!?!?!</p>

<p>"Courses used to satisfy the "a-g" requirements in which the student earns D or F grades must be repeated with grades of C or higher. In a small number of instances, as described below, the D or F may be cleared through other means than repeating the course. The repeated grades are used in calculating the Scholarship Requirement GPA. Each course in which a grade of D or F has been received may be repeated only once. If a student repeats a course used to satisfy the "a-g" requirements in which he or she originally earned a grade of C or higher, the repeated grade will not be used in calculating the Scholarship Requirement GPA."</p>

<p>based off of their website i only wont get credit but no where does it say a D and/or F will make me ineligible.</p>

<p>Any other comments?I'm literally freaking out right now...I thought these schools were realistic schools I can apply too.</p>

<p>i'm pretty sure you're ok, because you've already met the math a-g requirements without the class...</p>

<p>I have heard of ppl with D's getting into Davis at Best. </p>

<p>I have yet to hear anyone with a D get into UCB,UCLA,UCSD</p>

<p>You still have a good chance at UC admission. You can call the schools you are interested in applying to and ask them if you are eligible, they will be happy to tell you. Good luck. BTW, admissions people do not expect 14 and 15 year old kids to be perfect. Bad grades can happen to good students and the rest of your record shows you are a good student.</p>

<p>It doesn't make sense though because I know people who only had Algebra II and got into the UC.I basically have Algebra II but went on into Precalc after that and failed.I still have the 3 years of required math:</p>

<p>Algebra I (8th Grade)
Geometry (9th Grade)
Algebra II (10th Grade)</p>

<p>That's three math classes right there.</p>

<p>I'm taking AP Stats right now and it's a piece of cake,only reason why I have a C right now is because of a 0 on a test I still need to make up because I was absent that day.Can my stat class be used to fulfill the requirements???</p>

<p>I'm not looking at the higher or mid UC's...just Santa Cruz,Riverside, and Merced</p>

<p>stats isn't a required class for UC's last time i checked.</p>

<p>nor is precalc...stats is UC approved class though.</p>

<p>Just found this on their site:</p>


<p>UC faculty has also changed a rule regarding validation of lower level mathematics courses by the successful completion of statistics. Under the new rule, which will be implemented for students entering the University in the fall of 2007, successful completion of a statistics course will continue to validate Algebra 1 and Algebra 2, but will no longer validate geometry.</p>