<p>I am currently a Junior in H.S, and as the time draws nearer and nearer, you begin to consider your options for college
And its hit me, that im not sure what is ' worth it' anymore</p>
<p>I live in new york,and in new york we have a great state school SUNY Binghamton. For me, this would be considered a safe school that i could go to for a cheap price. However, my family and I are willing to make the sacrifices to pay for a 40,000 a year school if its something like a UPenn or Brown and so on.</p>
<p>Being that I'm in all classes with Seniors who have already for the most part decided their fate, it makes me wonder if going to a private school like NYU or Tulane at a 35,000 dollar price tag is worth it over a state school liek Binghamton</p>
<p>Am i missing something? Is it really THAT MUCH BETTER. especially considering graduate school possiblities to come ( i'm interested in business/economics)</p>
<p>I'm sure many of you have hit this issue when considering schools, so please give your opinion on this</p>
<p>Well first you need to look at ur SATs and grades before u look at the colleges, then look at their majors offered or if u have a major in mind see which schools is the best or good in that major. Then decide on the college and the price. ^_^</p>
<p>You'll get a great education at SUNY and I'm not sure that the education you'd get at an Ivy would be different or better in quality. But the reality is that prestige matters in certain industries. You mention an interest in business or econ--this is one of the fields where prestige matters the most. Reason being, you can't just go to SUNY and then go straight into an Ivy MBA to get a top Wall Street IB or consulting job. You have to go to undergrad, then work, then possibly get an MBA. The reality is that Wall Street firms are very prestige based and its a hundred times easier to get one of those jobs with a Penn/Brown/any Ivy degree than a SUNY degree--I'm not saying that it should be that way, but it is. Its different in other industries like medicine and law--you can go to SUNY, stay at the top of the class and go to one of those big name med/law schools and be just fine for top residencies and top law firms [of course it would be more prestigious to have 2 ivy degrees--but it won't make or break your career]. You should seriously consider how much prestige matters in the industries you're considering.</p>
<p>I've had the same question. I've been told that, although a prestigious undergrad school will help me get into a prestigious grad school, if I have to take out loans for the undergrad education, it's not worth it. I've been told that it is better to save my money for grad school. I don't know what your financial situation is, and whether or not your parents will have to get loans... In my opinion, even though it's more logical to go to an undergrad school you can afford, if I were to get accepted to an Ivy, I think I would just go there and worry about my debts later on :-\ I would feel like I owe it to myself... I don't know. That's just my opinion.</p>