Am I wasting my time?

<p>As a premed student in a 7 year combined program, we are encouraged to do research as undergrads. I am working in a lab for about 10 hrs/week, but I am doing microbiological research on archaea - this will never have any application to anything else in my life. After doing research for a quarter, I feel that I am wasting my time and that I dont have time to waste. If I continue with my project, I can right a thesis and graduate "with distinction in biology" if I defend it. </p>

<p>Since I am already in the 7 year program, is this a waste of time, or will it eventually pay off?</p>


<p>umm depends where you are....if you will be taking the MCAT and trying to apply to other med schools in your third year then it is important. If that is not an option at your program then this probably will only be good as something to put down on your resume. 10 hrs/wk isnt really that much time.</p>