
<p>My DS had a tough decision on trying for an Ambassador for the honors college or the College of Arts and Sciences. He decided to interview for the College of Arts and Sciences and he just found out he was SELECTED!!! He’s so excited! Thank you Bama for all the opportunities for students to get involved. ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>Congrats to your son!!</p>

<p>Congratulations! What are his main duties?</p>

<p>Congrats and thank you to your son for the service he will provide. The Honors College Ambassador who shepherded my son around for a few hours during our visit to Bama a year ago (she was a Birmingham native) was genuinely influential in my son’s realization that UA was a place in which he could thrive, and that the school is populated by cool, smart, friendly people.</p>

<p>The honor’s college ambassadors work mainly with other students (as Malanai mentioned) . I BELIEVE that the Arts and Sciences ambassadors will work fund raisers and other events attended by adults. My DS thinks he may have an opportunity to make some important connections with the A&S program. It was a tough decision. He would love to influence other students also!</p>

<p>Fantastic! It sounds like a great opportunity for your son to make connections and to make a difference. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>The Honors College ambassadors work with those students who will be in the Honors College. They do the lunches, dorm tours, work receptions prior to football games, do the receptions for the University Honors days and often travel to Honors College events to help with recruiting. My son was one this past year, and he just loved it so much that he will do it again next year.</p>

<p>The Arts & Sciences ambassadors work Dean Olin and Dr. Witt and assist with student recruitment, fund raising and alumni events – among other things. </p>

<p>The two programs are outstanding, and Bamafana, congrats to you and your son.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son on being selected as an ambassador for A&S. He will do very well.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son!</p>

<p>Thank you everyone for the kind words! My son wanted to be involved on campus and Alabama gives students so many opportunities. He is looking forward to the Ambassador experience. ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Congrats to your son bamafana! My D just became and Honors College Ambassador and is very excited about the opportunity!</p>

<p>My son is also a new Honors College Ambassador. Good Luck to them all.</p>

<p>My daughter just became a new Honors College Ambassador and is loving it! It should be a fun year for all of them! Congratulations to all of the new Bama Ambassadors!</p>


<p>Congrats to all the new Ambassadors (and their parents of course) !!</p>