Amount of Experience Before College Graduation

<p>So I'm nearing the end of my first semester of junior year and I have begun to seriously consider laying out the last cards before I graduate college. I am concerned about the level of work experience I will have before I graduate.</p>

<p>Major International Business, 'minor' Economics (but taking courses that fulfill the major, can't double major across schools here)</p>

<p>Quick Facts:
3.92 GPA Freshman Year at small LAC
-No work experience this year.
-Worked at Polo Ralph Lauren summer afterwards.
2.46 GPA Sophomore Year after transferring to Georgetown
- Economic Research Assistant all year.
- Worked two jobs in the summer (~80 hours weekly) as a server at a nice restaurant and an international development consulting intern.</p>

<p>First semester Junior Year: Expected 3.61 GPA this semester, with a 4.0 major GPA.
Still working the server position and the consulting internship (15-20 hours a week)</p>

<p>In addition, I have gone on three volunteer trips abroad(Ghana, Indonesia, Guatemala) in developing countries from March 2010-January 2011</p>

<p>I started out strong, had trouble academically sophomore year after transferring, worked really hard last summer, and have come back strong academically. That said, I expect to have a GPA of >3.5 the next three semesters with an overall GPA coming in around 3.1-3.35 by graduation; my major GPA should be above 3.8. Additionally, I am studying abroad at Fudan University in Shanghai this summer and have a good chance at an RA position senior year.</p>

<p>Here is my question: Given my level of experience what should I do next semester?
Take 5 classes (15 credits) Monday-Wednesday (schedule worked out REALLY well!) and intern Thursday and Friday with a relevant position.
Take 6 classes (18 credits) still M-W but keep the server job on the weekends. The additional class would be in my concentration of China. (With AP etc. I only need 6 classes over 3 semesters to graduate with my major/minor, the rest are extra for interests and more experience.)</p>

<p>I aim to work in consulting upon graduation and eventually graduate school for International Affairs, Economics, or an MBA. I didn't work freshman year, sales job that summer, relevant work sophomore year and summer and first semester junior year. Given the fact that I CAN NOT intern this summer because of study abroad, is it alright to take next semester off and just make case on the side serving devoting those four days off to maintaining my grades? I've gone over the options a million times. If anyone has advice let me know! Thanks.</p>

<p>*Also, as a business student, I do not realistically see myself being able to work much senior year to intern a semester between job hunting and such. Though, the option is possible.</p>

<p>To justify and clarify; Polo & the serving job was to make money on the side.
The Research Assistant position gave me the opportunity to understand how an Economist works, and submits publications to journals. The consulting position involves setting budgets within proposals, marketing the resumes of the consultants in the company, etc. Both position had an international component to them and were relevant to development. The volunteer positons abroad were development related; skills I can directly apply by learning first hand. </p>

<p>Given these past jobs, I have an offer to continue my internship to the one year point until May 2012. While I have touched on issues in China with these two positions, I would like to have a greater regional focus. </p>

<p>Though, I do think I should take on the extra class and make money serving on the side. Even though it is not relevant, it is still a job and still noteworthy maintaining any job and school; something many of my classmates do not have to go through to have money to get by.</p>