An American, non-resident citizen aiming to do Aerospace at Stanford/MIT/Georgia Tech/UMich

Thank you for the update! It’s always very welcome when students provide one.

Have the financial aid packages come back for Ilinois, Purdue, or Michigan? How do they compare with Penn State and RPI? Are there certain schools you’re leaning toward?

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Michigan gave me a 15K scholarship called the Engineering scholarship of honor. The financial aid package from Umich hasn’t arrived yet. I did receive from Purdue though, and it was 32K that was estimated to be paid by me. Penn State hasn’t given its offers yet I believe. RPI gave me a 30K scholarship, none with respect to aids.

Leaning more towards Umich, despite the fact that it would be much costlier in comparison. Waiting for Stanford after the deferral; hope it turns out good.

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@Have_faith143 Im not clear whether the parents are U.S. citizens, but if they are, they might be thinking about taking the Parent Plus Loans. These are NOT in the student name…at all.

@Mi-To i don’t think you ever answered…but how much in loans would you need annually to attend college?

I would caution you against picking any school that is “much costlier” for aerospace. The top employers of the big name schools, Lockheed, Graumann, Northrop, Boeing, GE, etc, are the top employers from the little known schools like Utah State and Alabama-Huntsville. Unless money just really isn’t a factor, you’ll be creating financial strain for no payback.

Once you have your final packages at all the schools you’ve been accepted at, post them and the forum can guide you. At the end of the day though, institutional prestige means almost nothing in aerospace.


Appreciate you sharing the info! It’s always nice to feel wanted by a school (and getting merit aid from Michigan is super impressive). That said, however, it’s important to look at the total cost of a school and not just how much aid (merit or financial) they are providing. Looking at your net cost before any loans are taken out is a super important part of the decision process. As @eyemgh mentioned, there are many knowledgeable folks on this board who would be happy to give advice.

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Thank you so much, I will definitely share all the stats after I receive the packages. As of recently, my parents told me not to worry about finances, so I’m not sure about my capability beyond this.


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