An LD and College Admissions?

<p>I am beginning the process of seeing if I have an LD. We're not so sure what is up yet, but we believe there is something wrong going on. I have another appointment with the school pyscologist tomorrow to see about testing. My grades have been decreasing a lot the last two years, regardless of how hard I work. It's not the classes being too hard. It's not the work getting more difficult. I just can't do it. It's looking currently like I have an anxiety disorder or some form of OCD. If I am diagnosed, will colleges take my GPA and LD into consideration?</p>

<p>They might, but more often then not they don’t.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about college just now. Concentrate on finding out why you are struggling so much in HS, and then get the right accommodations so that you will be able to perform to your own best ability.</p>

<p>There are a lot of paths to college. The main thing is that right now you figure out what you need to be o-kay. Then, once you know, you can figure out how to get where you want to go. You can get there. But, first things first.</p>

<p>Oh. Ok. Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, they will take all pertinent information into consideration. Anything that affected you will be looked at. It isn’t always a negative to disclose an LD or to have some pre-diagnosis grade problems, but in order to get admitted into a school, they must have confidence that you will be successful there. That means taking time to get a diagnosis and treatment, and then build a good track record that shows your ability to overcome your disability. Admission officers do not expect perfection, but they are not going to admit those who have little chance at success. Do your best from this point on, show them who you are personally, and then enjoy the college you end up choosing.</p>

<p>That was my goal. Get help. Figure it out, and do well.</p>