<p>... a fart? </p>
<p>hidden in red and it rhymes with ola.</p>
<p>... a fart? </p>
<p>hidden in red and it rhymes with ola.</p>
<p>oh so now a fart is fragile?? wrong</p>
<p>let's answer mine before we go on to clues describing coca-cola.</p>
<p>Ahaha i had a can next to me :) didn't feel like thinkin of somethin clever.. let's see.. what is so fragile when you say its name you break it..</p>
<p>no idea. i'll let you all figure that out =)</p>
<p>silence, but you don't have to break it if you know sign language.</p>
<p>Ahhh.. clever flierdeke. is it right?</p>
<p>yeah...thats right</p>
<p>how about this one:
Forward I am heavy, backwards I am not. What the heck am I?</p>
<p>Hm.. A new challenge. I'm out. It's getting late here where I am. I'll check back to what the answer is :)</p>
<p>a ton</p>