<p>Yay!!! For!! Games!</p>
<p>Anyways... this is a simple game.</p>
<p>^ is about the person above you
< is about you
v is a guess about the next person to post...</p>
<p>so eample:</p>
<p>John Smith-
^ No one is above me yeahhh
< I like peas
v likes peas?</p>
<p>Amy Smith
^is wrong
< hates peas, loves flowers
v is having a good day?</p>
<p>So... I'll start!</p>
<p>^ Is fictional
< is bored
v is bored.</p>
<p>^ is bored
< is confused and thinks this game is too confusing
v is pretty in a pink dress</p>
<p>^ Maybe o.O
< My bloody mouse is stupid. >>
v Has a mouse that is functional</p>
<p>^ Likes pink
< I miss my boyfriend
v is most likely going to come up with something random</p>
<p>^ failsauce
< I haven’t changed clothes since yesterday
v likes the smell of laundry detergent</p>
<p>^Likes cheese
< Is bored<br>
v Likes cheese</p>
<p>^ cheese is ok
< misses BeautifulNerd219’s boyfriend
v has illegal stuff on his/her hard drive</p>
<p>^ Possibly, but I was uninformed so it doesn’t count. :]
< Just went for a run and nearly killed herself.
v Is athletic.</p>
<p>^ CORRECT! 
< just finished bike riding a few miles
v dances like no one is watching</p>
<p>^ Posted at the same time as me
< Had to edit his response
v Will state whether or not I dance like no one is watching</p>
<p>^ Yes
< Is hungry
v Is not a hermaphrodite</p>
<p>this thread fails
(but mulberrypie is correct)</p>
<p>^You fail.
< Is disgusted by above response
v Will not post an irrelevant response.</p>
<p>^ Maybe
< has more posts than TCBH, suck it
v likes veggies</p>
<p>^ Apparently likes CC too much
< hates almost every vegetable
v wants to go to some ridiculous college</p>
<p>i refuse to participate properly</p>
<p>^ Has unwillingly participated
< Is disgruntled
V Has watched Nickelodeon in the past 6 days.</p>
<p>^ is right
< is more of a disney girl
v Hates Hannah Montanna</p>
<p>^Is right
<Was just playing with a slinky
v Hates cats</p>