..and the keynote speaker for commencement 2007 is

<p>John Conners Jr., founding partner of advertising firm Hill,Holiday. What are your thoughts?</p>

<p>I’ll be honest. This is pretty lackluster from last year. Even with all the controversy surrounding Condoleeza Rice, I’m assuming this was a “safe pick” for BC. I wonder if BC would eveer get a commencement speaker that the students actually wanted to hear. </p>

<p>Here’s to hoping my graduation–2008’s graduation–will have someone that’s…NOT this.</p>

<p>Never heard of him before.</p>

<p>I am not a fan of Condi Rice, but regardless, I must admit its cool to have a Sec of State speak at commencement.</p>

<p>this is pretty sad considering last year. BC's administration did a great job getting Condi last year, and now this? very disappointing.</p>