<p>Everytime I call Andover (I've tried from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM), I get their messaging system and they ask me for an extension number or person I'm trying to reach. I'm trying to reach the Summer Session office or the Admissions office. They both sent me a confirmation for my application, but with one catch. There appears to be someone with my exact name/surname and situation, living in Belgium. I kid you not. I can't seem to get this issue resolved because I keep getting their messaging system.</p>
<p>What are Andover's office hours?</p>
<p>Ignore this, finally got on the line with them
Not sure why this wouldn’t work for the past few days… Those days not including Saturday/Sunday.</p>
<p>Just out of curiosity, how did you get conformation of your application?</p>
<p>They sent an email to my address.</p>
<p>Did they email you to say your application was complete? Or to tell you about the other person in Belgium? Sorry for asking so much, just a nervous applicant. Thanks :)</p>
<p>No problem! I ask the a ton of questions to people who even hint that they might answer a question. </p>
<p>They first emailed me saying I had ____ missing.
I emailed my other stuff in.
Then they emailed me saying my application was complete. </p>
<p>On all of the emails, it listed my address as a Belgium one. I called them and they fixed it ^_^</p>