<p>Many of these schools known for their game design also offer animation. Also go to the Pixar website and check schools there.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 Eighth Street
Troy, NY 12180-3590
(518) 276-6000
[Rensselaer</a> Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Home Page](<a href=“http://www.rpi.edu%5DRensselaer”>http://www.rpi.edu)
Rensselaers new Games and Simulation Arts and Sciences (GSAS) Major, formally announced as a B.S. degree with enrollment beginning in Fall 2007, is among a handful of such programs in the country and is designed to educate students for early career positions, in addition to providing them with the technical, communication, and leadership skills needed to help shape an industry emerging out of the games phenomenon.</p>
<p>Rochester Institute of Technology<br>
One Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623-5604
(585) 475-2411
[RIT</a> - Rochester Institute of Technology](<a href=“http://www.rit.edu%5DRIT”>http://www.rit.edu)
The bachelor of science in game design and development defines a program of study that allows students to explore the entertainment technology landscape, as well as other related areas, while still pursuing a broad-based university education. The program focuses its technical roots in the computing and information sciences disciplines. Simultaneously, the program exposes students to the breadth of development processes through involvement in topics such as game design, design process, and animation.</p>
<p>University of Baltimore
1420 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 837-4777
<a href=“http://www.ubalt.edu%5B/url%5D”>www.ubalt.edu</a>
You’ll study basic game concepts and design, the fundamentals of computer programming, 3-D modeling and animation, usability design, the application of simulation to education and other nonentertainment fields, the integration of audio in interactive media and the design of multiplayer games. The coursework can help prepare you for graduate study or a career in information technology and computer science, as well as business and visual design.</p>
<p>University of California Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
(831) 459-0111
[Welcome</a> to UC Santa Cruz - Creating knowledge. In a spectacular setting. For over 40 years.](<a href=“http://www.ucsc.edu%5DWelcome”>http://www.ucsc.edu)
The Computer Science: Computer Game Design Major
This interdisciplinary program, offered for the first time in fall 2006, provides students with a deep understanding of the technical aspects of computer game engineering and a broad background in the artistic, narrative, and dramatic elements of game design.</p>
<p>Worcester Polytechnic Institute
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609
(508) 831-5000
[Worcester</a> Polytechnic Institute (WPI)](<a href=“http://www.wpi.edu%5DWorcester”>http://www.wpi.edu)
Art + Technology = Games
WPI’s Interactive Media and Game Development (IMGD) major provides an outstanding cross-disciplinary education to its undergraduates in the principles of interactive applications and computer-based game development.</p>
<p>Champlain College
163 South Willard St.
Burlington, VT 05401, USA
Phone: (802) 860-2700
Toll Free: (800) 570-5858
[Champlain</a> College, Burlington, Vermont](<a href=“http://www.champlain.edu%5DChamplain”>http://www.champlain.edu)
Electronic Game & Interactive Development: Incoming students choose from three specializations: game design, art and animation, and game programming. Champlain College offers an innovative bachelor of science degree in Game Programming, in addition to our Game Design program and our Art and Animation program.</p>
<p>Columbia College, Chicago
600 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60605
Main Switchboard: (312) 663-1600
[Columbia</a> College Chicago : Home](<a href=“http://www.colum.edu/]Columbia”>http://www.colum.edu/)
Game Design Major; Bachelor of Arts in Game Design; The Game Design major in Interactive Arts and Media
provides contextual understanding and competence in this distinctive discipline. Our students develop an understanding of the aesthetics, theory, and culture of games that informs their work and encourages originality in content. Game Design majors learn how to develop games in a strong and collaborative production environment in which teams work together effectively to create games.</p>
<p>Michigan State University
250 Hannah Administration Building
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-0590
Telephone: (517) 355-8332
Fax: (517) 353-1647
[Michigan</a> State University](<a href=“http://www.msu.edu/]Michigan”>http://www.msu.edu/)
DMAT (Digital Media Art & Technology) is the home for those interested in creating, producing, and researching present and emerging digital media at Michigan State University.
DMAT Specialization in Game Design and Development - Overview of Specialization
In Fall 2005, the Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media at Michigan State University launched the interdisciplinary specialization in Game Design and Development. The specialization is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Studio Art, or Bachelor of Arts Degree in Media Arts & Technology within Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media at Michigan State University. The specialization is also open to other majors on a case-by-case basis, particularly those in the Honors College.</p>
<p>Shawnee State University
940 Second Street
Portsmouth, Ohio 45662-4344
[:::</a> SHAWNEE STATE UNIVERSITY :::](<a href=“http://www.shawnee.edu%5D:::”>http://www.shawnee.edu)
Game and Simulation Development Arts
Entertainment gaming and serious gaming is a dynamic industry that continues to grow despite economic downturns elsewhere. It is a 21st century art form. The core of gaming graphics is a high skill and creativity level in 3D graphics.
University of Southern California
Office of Admission<br>
700 Childs Way<br>
University Park Campus Los Angeles, California 90089-0911 [USC</a> - University of Southern California](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu%5DUSC”>http://www.usc.edu)
USC Viterbi School of Engineering - Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Games)The goal of the B.S. in Computer Science (Games) program is to graduate students with a solid grounding in computer science and a cross-disciplinary background in game development.
Also from USC:
Interactive Media Divsion
USC School of Cinematic Arts
George Lucas Instructional Building
Room 310
850 West 34th Street
University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Phone: 213.821.2515 Fax: 213.821.2665
<a href=“mailto:interactive@cinema.usc.edu”>interactive@cinema.usc.edu</a>
Master of Fine Arts in Interactive Media
Minor in Video Game Design & Management
Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Entertainment </p>
<p>Brown College
1440 Northland Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
[Brown</a> College - Mendota Heights, Minnesota Visual Communications-Graphic Design Program, Massage Therapy Program](<a href=“http://www.browncollege.edu%5DBrown”>http://www.browncollege.edu)
Bachelor of Science in Game Design & Development
When it comes to opportunity, this career field is imitating the games it creates.
Career opportunities for Game Design & Development graduates are all oversome immediately visible. They can apply their skills to create virtual environments, training simulators, electronic art and, of course, games. Classes in the program are designed to be as riveting as the gamesreflecting a fast-paced learning style.
You can learn to use the design software, programming languages, modeling and animation skills, networking principles, level and world editors, and game engines. In addition, youll also explore the eye-opening business side of game development and marketing.</p>
<p>University of California at Irvine
Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools
204 Aldrich Hall, Irvine, CA 92697-1075
Tel: (949) 824-6703
Concentration in Game Culture and Technology
The concentration in Game Culture and Technology is available to students majoring in Information and Computer Science, Informatics, Computer Science, and Studio Art. It exposes advanced students to an influential and expanding sector of media culture and contemporary art and technology practice, facilitates students’ media literacy in relation to an increasingly prevalent art and entertainment form, and enables students to be more critical consumers and producers of new media art and culture.</p>
<p>Collins College - Tempe<br>
1140 South Priest, Tempe AZ 85281<br>
Collins College - Phoenix
9630 N. 25th Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85021
[Graphic</a> Design Training, Colleges in Arizona](<a href=“http://www.collinscollege.edu%5DGraphic”>http://www.collinscollege.edu)
School of Interactive Media
The School of Interactive Media at Collins College is designed for students who want to pursue degrees in Game Design and Information Technology.
Student OutsideStudents can earn an Associate or Bachelors degree for entry-level employment in a wide range of career fields.</p>
<p>Digital Media Arts College
3785 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, FL 33431
561.391.1148 Toll Free 866.255.DMAC
[Digital</a> Media Arts College](<a href=“http://www.dmac.edu%5DDigital”>http://www.dmac.edu)
Digital Media Arts College’s (DMAC) primary mission is to award Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts degrees to students who successfully complete educational programs adhering to the highest level of academic and artistic standards that blend the latest technologies and artistic practices in a curriculum guided by the needs and trends of industry and the global community.</p>
<p>DigiPen Institute of Technology
5001 150th Ave NE
Redmond, Washington 98052
Phone: 866.478.5236 | Fax: 425.558.0378
<a href=“http://www.digipen.edu/[/url]”>www.digipen.edu/</a>
DigiPen is a long-standing leader in higher education, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in game development and design, computer engineering, and production animation.</p>
<p>Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
University Operator: 412-2682000<br>
[Carnegie</a> Mellon University](<a href=“http://www.cmu.edu%5DCarnegie”>http://www.cmu.edu)
Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts (BCSA) Degree Program
Sponsored by the School of Computer Science (SCS) and the College of Fine Arts (CFA) at Carnegie Mellon. The BCSA Program was created in 2008 by the College of Fine Arts and the School of Computer Science. It provides an ideal technical and conceptual foundation for students interested in pursuing fields which comprehensively meld technology and the arts such as game design, computer animation, computer music, interactive stagecraft, robotic art, and other emerging media.</p>