<p>Inspired by the "annoying freshmen?" thread..</p>
<p>there are 2 sophormores that are 12/13 years of age. Kinda geniuses...?</p>
<p>The guy one is really nice & humble..doesn't brag...laid back...he's in Calc BC. I like him.</p>
<p>The other one, is a girl...who is probably THE most arrogant person i've ever met. She's on my SciOly team & in some of my science classes (that I take @ the U of MN or honors) (also in calc bc) and she thinks she so cool for talking to seniors..she brags so much it's ridiculous("OH, I USED TO TAKE COLLEGED LEVEL MATH/GEOMETRY CLASSES @ THE U OF MN!!!111; I WAS IN NORTHWESTERN'S ctd program!!!") so much about her IQ, ability, test scores, EVERYTHING! she's a *****. hahahaha. for a kid..but still. I don't like her.</p>
<p>/rant...need to procastinate hahaha...</p>
<p>I don’t see why anyone would skip so far ahead in school. It makes you less of a standout for college apps, right? There are many kids who take Calc BC as a sophomore, but almost none who take it as a seventh grader. They should have just stayed back.</p>
<p>In general - NOT TRYING TO BE SEXIST BUT BASED ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCE - smart girls, even those who aren’t all that smart, are more arrogant about their intelligence than smart boys…</p>
<p>I don’t get why people skip grades… </p>
<p>Its much better to be with people your age.</p>
<p>@OP: Do these kids happen to be in UMTYMP?</p>
<p>Don’t even mention the CTD programs. This sophomore girl kept bragging that she went to Princeton over the summer and how that correlates to her <em>genius</em> intelligence, yet she has a GPA below 3.5…</p>
<p>I feel like college would be really awkward for people who skipped too many grades. My sisters were both 17 when they went to college, one for just a month or two, the other for the whole freshman year, and even that led to some awkwardness/missed opportunities. While I don’t personally know anyone who went to college that young, my sister’s friend’s roommate was about 15 in her freshman year. The friend moved to a different room.</p>
<p>Ok.not about annoying smart people but still.about my classmate.she’d borrowed this reaaally important civics paper 2 weeks before the finals. She didnt have hers so I said yes but please return it the next day. From that day onwards I’ve basically asked her about my paper like 20 times a day. I sms her to go and bring that *<strong><em>ing paper.
She always forgot. And never even replied to my sms (compared to my other friends who literally reply 5 secs when messaging). She said her prepaid was empty. Bull</em></strong>**. She just filled it the day before.
I had to get as far as to remind her on FB.
Still she forgot.
Yesterday I threw a temper on her, basically telling her to stop being so egoistic and irresponsible. She became quiet and self-defensive (and not remotely apologetic).
The next day she brought the paper, 2 days before the exam.
^the same girl who doesnt have any friends and let her comp assignment team (2 other friends and me) wait for 4 bloody hours at school . We couldn’t do the assignment cuz it’s her laptop that has that mysql and pascal program. After we waited for hours, we called her. Her answer? She forgot and was still asleep.</p>
<p>The CTD programs are ridiculously easy. They’re a heck of a lot of fun though
(not the classes, the social life lol). </p>
<p>I find anyone arrogant annoying. I am a very combative person and love debating people, but I hate debating people that have nothing to back up what they say. This annoying trend doesn’t end when people graduate from high school unfortunately. <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>I go to an all girls’ school so I don’t have annoying guys at my school (unless you count the worst male teachers), but my ex-best friend irritates me; I stopped being her friend because I was just sick of her attitude and how she talked about my new friends. She always bragged about her accomplishments by overdramatising them, and showed off her family being smart and rich and goodlooking. But she may be insecure to some distinct seeing as she always said the tests in which I did better than her were unimportant/stupid and wasn’t happy when I had achieved something.
Also, a “friend” of mine who did a pathetic attempt to cyber bully me almost two years ago. Yes I try not to hold grudges, but this girl pulls on a “she’s so cute and innocent” image which I can’t stand. She also goes into these moods where she’ll just be all negative and rude.</p>