Any BA Music majors out there?

Hi all. I have a D23 who is extremely interested in majoring in music but does not want to commit to a BM program. She still has other interests and would like to explore other majors. We have read the “double major dilemma”. It’s a bit confusing to us which UCs require auditions for BA music students. Wondering if there is anyone out there who applied to most of the UCs as a freshman music major and what your experience was. I should mention she is an excellent student (never lower than an A so far as a Sophomore) but she will only end up with 9 APs by the end of Senior year as Band and Jazz band each take up one period during the day. Additionally, if you applied to any of the CSUs would love to hear about that as well. We are located in Nor Cal and she is a trombone player. Thank you!!!

It looks like you have visited the music major forum: did you post this there as well>

I am curious if she is applying to the BA at the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, which is very close to a BM program.

If she might major in a different area, it might be good to avoid UC’s and CSU’s that have a school of music/BM program because the best teachers and performances may go to those students.

Greetings @compmom! Yes, I have been lurking in the music major forum and will pose my question there as well. Point taken regarding the school that offer BMs in music. So, it seems she might have more opportunities at UCB, UCD, and UCSD as they don’t offer the BM. I’m also trying to get a sense of whether it would be more prudent to apply “undeclared” vs BA in music since her spike really is in music. I know we have time but as I just went through this with my D20, I know it will sneak up on us!!!

Can you explain why she would apply “undeclared vs BA in music since her spike really is in music”? I don’t understand that sentence :slight_smile:

Is she going to submit a music supplement with recording/video, music resume, and music letters of recommendation? Even if she is not going to major in music, the supplement can be helpful.

I will PM you about a couple of UC’s.

Sorry to be obtuse. :slight_smile: I guess what I meant is that her strongest EC is her involvement in music. I know she could apply for any major (most of the UCs admit as undeclared or pre-major anyway for L&S) so what I’m trying to get a sense of is what would serve her best for admissions; applying to the one thing she is sure she wants to pursue in some fashion (music) or apply as undeclared. At this point definitely NOT interested in life sciences, engineering/CS, business. And yes, I’m sure she will have a supplemental/LOR prepared for any schools that will allow submission. She also plays piano (at the level of Chopin Nocturne/Etudes) but doesn’t spend as much time on this as her trombone…it’s more for her personal love of music.