Any chance at all?

<p>High School Junior
Estimated 3.3 unweighted GPA (Weighted probably only around 3.4/3.5)
25% class rank
1330/1920 SAT (first try, taking again in june)
I had a bad freshman year, but I've gotten better.
I took An "Accelerated" class freshman year, took honors chemistry last year, and I'm taking AP Biology this year.
Worked as an umpire freshman year.
Volunteered to help coach my little sister's softball team the summer after freshman year, and I logged 24 hours.
Taken private drum lessons and had a band for almost two years now.
Started the political science club at my school this year.
Played intramural basketball every year.
Worked from May 2008-October 2008 at a grocery store (15-20+ hours per week).
Connecticut resident (out of state).
37,000 EFC</p>

<p>Do I have a chance? Also, do I have a chance to get any merit aid if I somehow do get in?</p>