Any chance of admission? (all input appreciated)

<p>I am a white female.
My in-state/out-of-state situation is quite confusing. I have lived in New Hampshire my entire life and attended high school here but my dad moved to Virginia in April, so I am technically applying out-of-state, but I am requesting in state tuition due to my dad paying taxes to Virginia. I do not know whether this will make it more or less competitive.
Here are some of my stats. I am hoping you can leave your input for my chances.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.5/4.0 UW
6.65/8.3 W (Please don't tell me this is weird, I don't understand how my school does this either.)
SATS: 1820
Without writing: 1190
MATH: 600
WRITING: 630</p>

<p>I have taken many honors classes and only 1 AP class, statistics. I have gotten mostly As and a few Bs and only 1 C in all of high school. I have taken 4 and a half years of math, 3 and a half years of Spanish, 4 years of SS, 4 years English, and 4 years science (including biology, chem, and physics)</p>

<p>I have participated in about 5 clubs and traveled to Spain, Greece, and London and Paris with my school. I also played varsity lacrosse for one season. I have completed 53 hours of community service. </p>

<p>I have also been on high honor roll all four years up until the current trimester and was awarded scholar athlete status when playing lacrosse.</p>

<p>Applying to Pamplin for Finance!</p>

<p>Any input (even negative) is appreciated. And good luck if you are also applying :)</p>

<p>You will be considered out of state for admission purposes. I don’t believe you can get in-state tuition rates either, which usually require parents to hold resident in a state for about two years. </p>

<p>As far as your chances go, I think you have a decent chance. It could honestly go either way for you.</p>