any change?

<p>white jewish girl from PA</p>

class rank- 30/350


<p>freshman- 2 honors 2 collegebound
sophmore-all honors (highest offered)
junior year-ap american, honors trig pre calc, drama, ap biology, ap statistics, honors english</p>

gifted program since 1st grade
top 5 on tennis team for 3 years
student director of 6 high school plays
president of school drama club
started program to aide jr high drama club
sucessful tutor
part-time job
sunday school aide
piano for 8 years
taught french to elem. kids through my french club
french club
student council
drama club
assisted in local tennis program for kids as an instructor
community theatre
lights and sound for elem., jr high, and sr. high events</p>

<p>any chance?</p>

<p>decent chance. RD is very tough at GW +20,000, applicants!</p>

<p>can you think of anything that might increase my chances?</p>

<p>oh i just found out that my cousin is Stephen Joel Trachtenberg who is the president. not kidding i was telling my grandfather about wanting to go to gw and hes like your cousin is the president. does that help at all?</p>

<p>That's pretty funny. Unless you noted it on your application I don't think they would have any way of knowing.</p>

<p>If you talk to your cousin he can get you in. If you didn't tell him you were applying I don't know how that will help you. He needs to pull strings/connections for you.</p>

<p>Your SATS are really low though. Did you ever re-take them? Or take the ACTs instead?</p>