Any colleges which weigh SATs over everything

<p>this is just a "just wondering question"... i was just wondering if any colleges in the like top 120 according to USNews accept people mostly based on SATs like the kid with a 2.6 and 2100 gets in over the 3.0 1900.... 3.0 2200 gets in over 3.8 2000</p>

<p>Most colleges would take the 3.8 kid with the 2000 over the others, SAT shows aptitude, GPA shows work ethic.</p>

<p>Good SATs and a bad GPA show a smart but lazy kid. :/</p>

<p>^ That statement is utterly false and it should be ignored by everyone who reads it. Stop spreading ignorance about college admissions! Just because YOU would prefer a 3.8/2000 kid does not mean adcoms will. In fact, they probably won’t (depending on selectivity of the school, grade trend, and other factors).</p>

<p>i know most csus other than poly will automatically accept you based on stats. maybe try something like sfstate or san diego state.</p>

<p>Many state flagship universities use a formula/index based on GPA+SAT where a 2100+ will make up for a low GPA</p>

<p>any specific colleges?</p>

<p>I agree with bank1019. The difference between a 2000 and a 2200 is almost negligible compared to the difference between a 3.0 and a 3.8 (so long as each student had the same courseload, relatively).</p>

<p>well obviously the 3.8 2000 gets in over the 3.0 2200 99% of the time… im just wondering if there are any colleges that consistently would take the 3.0 2200 over the 3.8 2000</p>

<p>Whoaaa JJJJ, I’m merely reitterating what my GC told me multiple times. What I meant to portray is that SATs do not always ‘save’ anyone a spot in a top 120. If I am wrong, because I am not an adcom, I stand corrected. - I never stated I was an expert.</p>

<p>Rsmattu- I’d look for U of (insert state) schools in the top 120, alot of them have stats that will auto admit you. Best of luck. :)</p>

<p>A 3.0 and 2000+ student would have absolutely no trouble getting into “a school in the top 120” - I’d say the top 50 are out of reach, 50-65 tough, 65-90 match and 90+ likely, with plenty of exceptions in each category of course</p>

<p>im talking about are there any colleges that prefer SATs to GPA… that is my only question…</p>