Any current Valpo students out there?

<p>Just wondering what you like and dislike about this school.</p>

<p>I can attempt to give a couple of answers to this one - second hand! D will be a junior at Valpo and loves it.<br>
Her number one "like": Christ College, which is the honors college is what set this school apart from all others for her. CC involved a nine credit class each semester of the freshman year, so she really spent a large amount of time with these students and they remain her closest friends. Together the group wrote and performed a play and also participated in a freshman debate - these experiences definitely took her out of her comfort zone.
Her number two like is chapel! Brief daily services are held each morning and while most students are headed for lunch, she attends several times a week. It is her time to clear her mind and reconnect with God.<br>
And third, she likes that she has been able to become close friends with faculty members, who are always there to review rough drafts or explain unfamiliar concepts. Her friends at larger schools are just a number. She has enjoyed dinner in faculty homes and even babysat for one family!</p>

<p>Oh, one more like - she is studying abroad next semester. What's not to like about that?</p>

<p>Dislikes: She has been spoiled by our suburban health club and would like to have nicer workout facilities on campus. The freshman dorm rooms are quite tiny (but she survived!). And freshman roommate assignments seem to be quite random. No effort is made to match roommates with individuals with similar likes or majors - even Big Ten schools are making an effort in this area and Valpo could really do a better job here.
Oh, and one final thing - it is very windy there all the time!!</p>