Any Football Fans....?

<p>Are any of you college football fans? If you are probably just as excited as I am for this upcoming season to start.... I found some highlight clips from the last few year....Maybe they can help pass the time until the season starts!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>There are some really great sections like USC pounding on Notre Dame with the Rudy theme song playing in the background or USC dominating UCLA to the sound of Tusk....ah....</p>

<p>ahh yes is a great site. i am a HUGE football fan.</p>

<p>Any football fans. Are you kidding....? Its SC!</p>

<p>I know... but this is CC.... and I wanted to post those videos...</p>

<p>Fight on!</p>

<p>Do you want to know how big of a fan I am? I'm sooo devastated that my sister's wedding is on a home game day. Shows my priorities. :)</p>

<p>One of my favorite clips is if you click the "Go Trojans!" at: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Also go to <a href=""&gt;;/a>. Awesome.</p>

<p>Oh, and I hated football (besides my high school team) with a passion before coming here. So if you don't like football, give it a chance anyways when you get to SC!</p>

<p>Man, now I am so excited! It's an awesome time to be at USC!</p>

<p>Beat the Rainbows!</p>

<p>Which game do you have to miss??? Or are you skipping the wedding? : )</p>

<p>more of a Basketball fan but in college, sports variesÂ…especially since SC football seems to ownz -.-</p>

<p>haha, no I'm Maid of Honor, so I'm definitely going to the wedding. :) I'm missing the Arizona game, so luckily it's not one of the big ones. Unless we lose, and then I'll blame myself.</p>

<p>no chance of SC loosing to Arizona (even though they have a good coach, but the program is just startin to turn around). Probably picked the perfect day to miss actually.</p>

<p>Luv this wallpaper: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>speaking of football, anyone wanna join my fantasy football league on ESPN?
(it's free)</p>

<p>i looooovvvveeee football. im a meathead, i use to play tailback and db at my school. there was a time when i wanted to go pro, but im too small.</p>

<p>where did you play MrTrojanMan?</p>

<p>And USChicka, how in the world did you not notify your sister back in the day that she better NOT get married on a USC gameday??? I told my friends that when they get married, they will not be scheduling it on a USC game (thankfully my sister is as big of football nut as I am so I don't have to worry about her).</p>

<p>lol, well, I wasn't a football fan until I came to USC two years ago so I couldn't warn her when we were younger, and then she didn't have that long of a relationship with the guy and their engagement isn't that long either, so I didn't really get a chance to ingrain it in her mind. She almost had to change the date and I tried to convince her to change it to some weekend a few weeks later that was a bye week, but, alas, it didn't work out for me. But...well... hooray for love! :)</p>

<p>ive had season tickets for four years now. games are amazing, and I hope they're even better now that im a student.</p>

<p>all I can say is....FIGHT ON.. and beat the rainbows</p>

<p>Beat The Rainbows!.....beat The Rainbows!</p>