<p>I am taking those 2 classes now. The books using in both classes are very theory-based. I just wonder that can anyone recommend any good, easy-to-read, intro-level books on these 2 topics?</p>
<p>I am taking those 2 classes now. The books using in both classes are very theory-based. I just wonder that can anyone recommend any good, easy-to-read, intro-level books on these 2 topics?</p>
<p>Griffith is probably the easiest it's gonna get, unless you want to read a HS textbook, but I'd encourage you to dive into the deep end and try to squeeze as much out as possible.</p>
<p>Both Griffith's Intro to Electrodynamics and the first half of his Intro to Quantum Mechanics are very well written and very readable without too many prerequisites. Both really are physics books for physicists, though, if you're looking for something more applied or engineering oriented.</p>
<p>If the math is what's causing trouble in E&M, there's a book called Div, Grad, Curl and All That which is a good intro/review of vector calc which brings in a lot of examples and applications using E&M.</p>
<p>Which classes are you taking?</p>
<p>-cherrybarry and jbusc</p>
<p>thanks so much for the inputs.
I am taking EE471 engineerig quantum mechanics an prata's EE470 ELECTROMAGNETICS 2</p>
<p>Look up "Electromagnetics Problem Solver" by The Staff of REA. They also have a Physics Problem Solver, but I don't see a Quantum Mechanics book by them.</p>