Any ideas for my (very last minute!) semester off?

<p>Hi all! I would really appreciate any advice and/or similar experiences that anyone has to offer, regarding my situation.</p>

<p>Due to circumstances that were way beyond my control, I've found myself in an uncharacteristically irresponsible position: </p>

<p>I had to withdraw from my college late in the first semester due to some health issues, which are now resolved. The particular program I'm in won't take me back next semester. Rather, I will have to repeat the year I left starting next fall. So now I'm living at home, with no big plans, or plans of any sort lined up, for eight months. . . </p>

<p>I realize that it's very late in the game to find a spring semester abroad program or other activity. Please do suggest if you know of any quality activity or organization that I could possibly get involved with last minute - particularly in the area of study abroad in Europe (I want to learn French or German - already have the basics). I'm much more concerned with firsthand reports of an organization's quality than its possible lenience toward latecomers. I do NOT want to get into any shady and mismanaged situations in foreign countries like I have heard of from friends and other reports.</p>

<p>If you went on any absolutely life changing collegiate program unrelated to French or German, please tell me about that as well!</p>

<p>(I just realized that this sounds so spoiled - I am definitely also thinking about staying at home and working, so it's not like "I have to go abroad", just trying to provide you guys with the pertinent information so that I can know all my options for the spring!)</p>

<p>Thank you all so much!</p>

<p>I would recommend staying home and working. If you can, take a few classes (1-2) at a local college to have the credits transfer to the university that you will be attending in the Fall. That way, you won’t be THAT far behind.</p>

<p>Enjoy your time off… Maybe you could do study abroad if its not too late… since you’ll have the summer off…</p>

<p>There’s three options;</p>

<li>Local community college</li>
<li>Study abroad</li>

<p>It would be better to close this gap so you look productive on paper.</p>