Any last minute tips/strategies for APCS?

I took APCS and is taking the Ap exam tommorow. I did a practice test over the weekend and did OKAY but I’m wondering if you guys have any tips for me for the exam. I have a good understand of the major stuff like loops, methods (default and making methods), inheritance, types, etc).

Memorizing certain algorithms can help you not only take the test faster but get more right. I would recommend memorizing some of the sort algorithms used to sort arrays. For example: selection sort and insertion sort. These will probably show up on the exam and knowing what they do before hand will save you time trying to figure it out during the test. Also, there might be a FRQ asking you to sort an array. Having these memorized will also save time with the FRQ’s.

Look over your practice test and correct your mistakes. Get a good night’s rest and have a good breakfast in the morning. Don’t be intimidated by the code. Code can be intimidating at times but break it down and focus on one section at a time. Write what the code is doing in your booklet if you can’t do it in your head. The AP CS test is the most forgiving AP test I have taken with regard to time. This year they are giving you even more time than last year’s test takers.

I hope this helped and good luck tomorrow.

For the FRQs: read the descriptions carefully. Lots of mistakes happen when folks assume they know what the FRQ is asking for and end up writing functional code that doesn’t address the requirements.

Thanks for the help guys!!

@gmkoon how was the exam for you??

Practice tracing code
Though its too late nowlol

It was alright. I missed 2 questions on the multiple choice and 1.5 sub-questions on the Free Response Section. I found that the free response questions were easier than the multiple choice ones.

@GMKoon how do you know how you did?

@KG5APR He/She is just guessing. There is no way to know yet.

Yeah, I’m speculating, but usually my speculations aren’t too wrong.