Any predents going to UOP Profile Day?

Hello there :slight_smile:
I wanted to know if any predents are going to Profile Day. I’ll miss the event because I will attend UCSB’s spring insight event in place of UOP’s(unfortunately, they’re both on the same day and time >.>). Also, I have already visited the UOP campus and got the big picture. I’m mainly missing out on details like the specifics of the predentistry program and competitiveness of the curriculum. Would anyone be willing to keep me updated on the predentistry program or Profile Day in general? I’d really appreciate any info, since I am highly considering UOP.

Thanks!!! :slight_smile:

Hi! I recently accepted to be in the 3+3 accelerated dent program. I’m not sure if I will be going to Profile Day because I have already attended Pacific Preview Day, Honors Day, and done an overnight stay. I talked to the pre-dental advisor (the one who always does the presentation for the pre-dent students), and she says everything I have talked to her about would just be repeated. But I could totally tell you what went on in the presentations I have seen!:slight_smile:

@thedentaldiva Thanks for the response! Can you tell me as much as you can about what to expect of majoring in predentistry and also the social life at UOP? I hope this isn’t too much to ask :slight_smile: