Any recommendations for aspiring nurses/physician assistants?

My significant other is looking to return to college to become a nurse to lead into a career of being either physician assistant or nurse practitioner. We’ve heard of rumors of the field of nursing becoming over-saturated, and rather difficult to get a job after graduating. Is this the case? How can one best avoid this obstacle if going into this field?

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

Take a look for job ads in your area, and you’ll probably see continued demand for RNs. A BSN is more marketable than a RN with an associates degree. In many areas of the country, the number of new nurses is constrained by the number of available seats in college nursing programs.

I don’t think it is common to go from RN to physician’s assistant. A few years of experience as a RN is typically needed before a person is likely to get accepted to a nurse practitioner program, and those seats are highly competitive. Don’t become a RN unless you want to work for years as a RN, and let nurse practitioner be a long-term possibility.