<p>@ocnative All you need to know is that Joan Baez was there and sang We Shall Overcome (<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube) and “There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part. You can’t even passively take part! And you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop! And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it — that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!” </p>
<p>@Looking4Adegree I agree with @CollegeDropout1. Unless you’re going to UCM or UCB, you’ve probably never experienced the severity of the quarter system and how fast the material is taught. I still can’t wrap my head around how some courses have midterms the third or even the second week of classes…</p>
<p>This is why summer is bad for those who have no plans. You become unproductive, you get slower, your mind processes less things, and it’s just overall detrimental for preparing for the UC. It’s like -running a marathon that you have not prepared for- type of feeling and by the time you start the marathon, you won’t be able to finish it and that scares the hell out of me.</p>
<p>Also, does anybody know why the UC schools start on October this year?! That is SOOOOO late…</p>
<p>October is a really long wait. But I’ve taken a middle road so that I can feel refreshed and happy when I hit school but at the same time am not letting my brain light out. I’ve been reading intellectual books (at the moment Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty ) as well as trying to learn a new language (Swedish) while reinforcing the one I already know (French), in order to keep activity going in the noodle :)</p>
<p><em>edit</em> if anyone is interested in learning a language as well, there is a free website for Western European languages here <a href=“https://www.duolingo.com/”>https://www.duolingo.com/</a> , and there’s a big sale at Rosetta Stone right now though I think it ends today</p>
<p>I don’t remember the exact reason for the late start, but it has something to do with a Jewish holiday. If they had started the week before, then Jewish students would have to choose between going to class or honoring their holiday.</p>
<p>Well, I’m actually learning a lot. Right now, I am going over HTML , CSS, Java, and ruby on rails. It is going to be hell when I go to SD, so I have to prepare like crazy. </p>