Anybody starting Miami in January 2010

<p>My son took a gap semester to study abroad in London and is starting Miami in January 2010, anyone else starting in January. His credits from Oxford should transfer. Anyway just wondering.....</p>

<p>I am : ) Can’t wait. There’s also a group created by UM similar to facebook that lets new students interact. I got the link when I was accepted so he should probably have it too in his acceptance checklist online.</p>

<p>Just got my acceptance letter in the mail today. I’ve been enrolled at a community college up here in MA with a 3.8GPA and 57credits completed, and I must say, I’ve never been so excited to get an official acceptance letter from a reputable institution. Although this is my first admittance letter received, I’ve applied to ten total schools and my decision is not yet final. UM was one of the schools I tossed an application at for the heck of it, never anticipating to actually be accepted =D</p>

<p>I am :slight_smile: I am a freshman transfer from the university of florida. So I will be starting as a 2nd semester freshman at UM in the spring and cannot be more excited!!</p>


<p>Congratulations! I am curious why you decided to transfer from UF to UM, the way some UF backers make the place sound, there should be no one leaving and millions trying to get in…</p>

<p>well I had many reasons to leave. Firstly, UF was too far away from home for me. ( 6 hours car ride away). UM is only about 45 min-an hour away. Second, when people say you don’t feel like a number at UF, this is definitely NOT true! The place is huge and you feel lost in a sea of orange and blue. The classes are HUGE! You can’t get any attention that way! 2 of my classes were 600+ people in a huge auditorium with a microphone…it was pointless to even show up! Third, there is absolutely nothing i mean NOTHING to do in Gainesville unless you are obsessed with football and partying! There is plenty of that of course, but that is all there is to do on any given weekend and it starts to get old after a while. And, the partying is only fun if you in fact belong to a fraternity or sorority otherwise at some of the parties you feel completely unwelcome. I could also UF students have pushed the limit when it comes to partying. Since that is all there is to do in Gainesville, people are coming every single night into the residence halls completely wasted and disturbing everyone who is seriously trying to study. I was even stuck having to help this drunk girl who was puking and passing out outside the building…Don’t ask me why or how but she ended passed out in my room with the cops and paramedics and I didn’t even know her!!! Oh and the obsession with Tebow, it just gets really annoying. The food and dining halls are gross. The entire Gainesville environment is just depressing! No more beaches for you only beer! Now, if you’re into that than its perfect for you but to me it was one giant orange and blue hell hole! Anyways hope I helped in giving you the reasons why I left the supposed amazing Gator Country.</p>


<p>Thanks much for sharing, your experiences are quite illuminating.</p>

<p>Interesting comment about Tebow…I consider myself a college football fan, but I was turned off by how much attention was payed to him at the expense of the other senior players yesterday. I thought football was a team game.</p>

<p>Best of luck this coming semester, I know you will find UM a refreshing change!</p>

<p>Yikes, that sounds awful, especially the bit about the drunk girl passed out in your room with cops and paramedics everywhere.</p>

<p>yepp. it was just one horrible experience after another unfortunately :(…but its all good cuz for me now its all about THE U!! :D</p>

<p>Glad you’ve seen the light, Alex.</p>

<p>and eeeeeek I couldn’t imagine being in a class with 600 students that is insane.</p>

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>For anyone who doesn’t mind sharing, what kind of financial aid did UM offer you for Spring 2010?</p>

<p>I have a very low EFC - about 4,000 I believe - I even got FSEOG - but UM offered me nothing.</p>

<p>I got Pell, FSEOG and workstudy. I contacted them and they said that the award is complete. With COA ~$53k and my EFC around $4k, even if I took the $17k in loans they suggested, how would I ever meet the COA?</p>

<p>I would say its probably an oversight but they’ve pretty much confirmed everything is spot on. I heard UM was generous. Helpppp haha I’d love to be there in January but right now there is no way that could happen.</p>