Anyone Annoyed At Classmates' College Choices Being Similar To Yours?

<p>I am really burning right now because I found out some top kids are applying to my top choices. They say things like "Oh, I wasn't really interested, but I figured I would apply anyway." Meanwhile, I am sitting here hoping to get into a low Ivy or just below, but the genius kids who will likely get into HYPS are going to end up screwing me over since my GPA is lower than all of theirs and they are just applying to these places for sport. I really want some Tufts' syndrome to take place.</p>

<p>lol, maybe you should have gotten a better GPA. It’s not up to you where they apply</p>

<p>yeah i agree wiht u 100% anyone else that says otherwise is one of those 4.0 2400 i am perfect people who have 0 social skills for the real world</p>

<p>How about you realize the real world holds competition?</p>

<p>If you had any common sense you would recognize that everyone has the right to apply wherever they want. Who are you to say they shouldn’t apply somewhere?</p>

<p>I would never take offense at such a thing. It is gentlemanly to wish one’s classmates well. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone applying this year.</p>

<p>I don’t think it will make a big difference if some people from the same school apply. Why should they make their college choices based on your’s?</p>

<p>Try going to a NYC private school or similar where 75% of every class applies to the same 15 schools.</p>

<p>This will be the hardest year in history at top colleges. Even the 2400 vals need to apply to the ‘lower ivies’ and similar.</p>

<p>Obviously, but just use this as motivation to stand out in essays or whatever. Stress that the school is your top choice and convince them you would add more to the college/university than an ivy-reject.</p>

<p>I completely understand. It’s not that you’re wishing badly on them or anything, it just sucks knowing the competition personally especially if they may not really want to attend that particular school they’re applying to. While I hope there is no malicious intent, I can’t help but think that many people think in this same way understandably.</p>

<p>Um, no. I understand that I can’t get everything I want.</p>

<p>I felt the same way at the beginning of this process, but really, if I wasn’t able to get in, then I wasn’t able to get in, regardless of who else applied in my school. Their college choices are not for me to decide, and it’s completely out of my hands.</p>

<p>possible Val at my school is applying to Penn, while I’m chillin with a crap GPA and meh ACT trying to get in as well.</p>

<p>Have you ever thought that you shouldn’t apply to your matches/safeties because they might be someone’s dream school and you are taking away their chance? Probably not.
HYPS are never a definite for anyone. Even those with great grades, scores, ECs, etc. are going to have a tough time getting in. They need matches/safeties, too. </p>

<p>There is a (yes, small) group of kids at my school that are applying to a similar list of colleges as me. I’m glad- we can suffer until March/April together! And, sure, if someone gets into my dream school and I don’t I will be disappointed and jealous, but I will also be happy for them.</p>

<p>I think you need to take a breath and remember that you, too, will end up going to a great school next year. And you never know what the future will bring!</p>

<p>There are 8 ivies. There are like 20 elite schools. They can’t be applying to all of them =D</p>

<p>Edit - I can’t really empathize, though… I’m the only one applying to Vanderbilt, Duke, Brown, and Penn. =P. As far as I know.</p>

<p>It’s not that they don’t care. They’re just either lowering expectations (most likely) or covering their bases.</p>

<p>You remind me of this girl that yelled at me for taking the entrance exam to get into AP Writing (hoping to maybe use it as a back up AP in case I didn’t get into the other ones I wanted) and getting in, while she did not.</p>

<p>They have just as much right as you to be applying to whatever schools they want. You have some safeties right? People with lower scores could be thinking the same way you are about you.</p>

<p>Emmmm…I will just try to focus on my own app, lol</p>