<p>carnegie mellon scs/cit/mcs -- likely/match/reach???</p>
<p>gpa 4.0 unweight 4.7 weight
2260 SAT (2 attempts) - 710w/750cr/800m
SAT II: 770 bio /800 physics/ 800 math 2
stat, world history, calc bc, com sci, eng lang, us history, env sci, phys b-- all 5s except eng lang - 4</p>
piano 8yrs, swimming 6 yrs, math club (vp), science olympiad, tutoring +60 hours, quiz bowl, designed some websites, prgraming</p>
usamts honorable mention x2
AIME x1 (6/15)
national ap scholar
international young artist piano finalist (not that significant)
mtna state piano winner
bunch of random regional piano awards
national PACE (quizbowl) qualifier </p>